2,000 migrants tried to enter channel tunnel last night!

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How do we know some aren't seeking asylum?

Because their a French citizen fleeing the possibility of being murdered by the state or civil war, I think not. If they are at the channel tunnel seeking to leave France then they've already passed up the opportunity of asylum seeking as they could do that in the first country they entered.

This problem has been made worse by rescued refugees crossing borders / sailing the seas not being returned to where they came from. Bringing them ashore into Europe only encourages more to follow suit.
I’m surprised there’s been little mention of the possible security issues, If I was ISIS and I wanted to sneak someone back into the UK the current chaos would be a good bet.
You surely can't be saying the only way to restrict access to healthcare systems is by making it private?

I am not but expect someone to. It would fit the current agenda wouldn't it.

Maybe it wasn't obvious as two people took the post the wrong way - I was being satirical. People are going to use these alleged "2000" people to add an impetus to an argument they already want to support. They are probably quite enjoying the public condemnation as it will make it easier to start new processes.
So we take 20,000 this year, what about next year? 40,000? And the year after, and the year after that? Where does it end? When the entire population of Africa has emptied?

I would think taking an additional 40-60 thousand a year to bring us into line with our more responsible European neighbours would be appropriate. Britain can easily afford it and we should shoulder our part of the burden.
I would think taking an additional 40-60 thousand a year to bring us into line with our more responsible European neighbours would be appropriate. Britain can easily afford it and we should shoulder our part of the burden.

UK population is 63M - Germany's (who take in the most immigrants) is 82M.

UK land mass is 243,610 km² - German land mass is 357,168 km².

We can only take so many people before our space is limited.
I would think taking an additional 40-60 thousand a year to bring us into line with our more responsible European neighbours would be appropriate. Britain can easily afford it and we should shoulder our part of the burden.

How can we easily afford it when we're currently spending more than we take in from taxes each year? I bet you're also against tax cuts and austerity
I would think taking an additional 40-60 thousand a year to bring us into line with our more responsible European neighbours would be appropriate. Britain can easily afford it and we should shoulder our part of the burden.

An additional 60,000 third world immigrants per year, are you mad?! Its not our responsibility to give every African person a Western standard of living. They should fight for that in their own country if they really want it.
UK population is 63M - Germany's (who take in the most immigrants) is 82M.

UK land mass is 243,610 km² - German land mass is 357,168 km².

We can only take so many people before our space is limited.

And we do NOT want to be building over all/much more of our green space.
I'm all for removing the incentive Illegal immigrants have for making a direct line for the UK when passing through most of mainland Europe and that we need an effective solution at stopping anyone from illegally entering our country but like the rest of the world we need to shoulder some of the responsibility of helping those who are genuinely in need.

Okay so we strike an agreement with the French to allow British armed forces to secure ports into Britain from France including the tunnel, but what's the policy here shoot on sight? Well that's just a good way to end up being tried for crimes against humanity and murder etc. So do we detain and deport? Okay but who pays for the building of the refugee camps, policing them etc and in what country as I highly doubt the French would want them there, and with the sheer amount of people coming and the number of camps being built to house them who could blame them... So it comes to deporting them, who pays for the flights? The tax payer?

Again I can't stress this enough that there is no simple quick fix to this problem, yes we need to protect ourselves by having a much more robust immigration system, nobody refugee or otherwise should be entering illegally. But we really need to be addressing the problems that are forcing these people out of their home countries. Until you tackle the problem at its root it will continue to persist.
It wouldn't surprise me if one day there is a "neutral zone" type place near Calais where immigrants will be held. It wouldn't be classed as French or UK soil and they are just in limbo.
And we do NOT want to be building over all/much more of our green space.

No we don't. However, the UK is currently relatively un-urbanised so we're in no danger of doing so right now. Also, refugees are typically not permanent residents but returned when conditions in their home countries change.
lets be fair if the government told me it was legal to buy a gun and go over there I would be the first.

Since these people are doing the very definition of invasion I can't see how anyone could condemn the use of guns, these thugs are armed after all.

An additional 60,000 third world immigrants per year, are you mad?! Its not our responsibility to give every African person a Western standard of living. They should fight for that in their own country if they really want it.

This, it's insane to let a bunch of people move into your country who couldn't keep their own country from descending into anarchy. However, the loony left are a pretty stupid bunch.
Again I can't stress this enough that there is no simple quick fix to this problem, yes we need to protect ourselves by having a much more robust immigration system, nobody refugee or otherwise should be entering illegally. But we really need to be addressing the problems that are forcing these people out of their home countries. Until you tackle the problem at its root it will continue to persist.

That's not our job, other countries aren't entitled to our resources as has already been explained. When we don't have millions unemployed, homeless on our own streets and people waiting in A&E then we can start thinking about giving more away. You're more than welcome to donate your own money to who ever you wish though, I know it's easier to suggest spending tax money though
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