2,000 migrants tried to enter channel tunnel last night!

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Not immigrants, refugees.

Not necessarily true, not all of them are fleeing war torn countries. A lot just want to make it to the UK to abuse the state benefit system. Which now has a reputation around third-world countries that it is some sort of dreamland.
Right, and Germany currently houses around half a million refugees while we house a mere 126k. We can do more. Housing around an additional 40,000 to 60,000 refugees per year would bring us roughly in line with other comparable countries.

yes but how many refugees in the past have British passports that are not classified as refugees i reckon the population of two Birmingham's.
Finance Industry =/= Capitalism. In true Capitalism those banks would've been allowed to fail

Yup the fact that they weren't is a massive crime and proof that we actually live in a corporatist system and also the reason why the world is ****** now.

A few thousand should have lost their Plutocratic wealth a few hundred should have been charged with crimes but no they were the people calling the shots so they chose to impoverish the world instead.
They are economic migrants. Refugees should claim asylum in the first safe country they arrive in. How can you not understand this?

I'm suggesting we take an additional 40,000-60,000 refugees each year. As in people who are processed and found to be refugees. In terms of economic migration, such a number of refugees would be small compared to the large number of economic migrants we currently enjoy.

I don't agree with you that the people who have fled situations in Africa and the Middle East - as most of the Calais refugees have - are suitably described as "economic migrants" (although I have no doubt that there are some economic migrants among them, I do not believe they're remotely the majority) nor the many arriving across the Mediterranean.

As for claiming asylum in the first country they come to I see no reason that we should dent asylum seekers any agency in their destination nations nor do I think such a policy is sensible or fair. It would be absurd to leave struggling Greece to bare the entire burden of asylum seekers arriving across the med while rich Britain, France and German do nothing to help.

And if we're building houses, they should be filled up by UK citizens needing a home.

Yes, we need to build more homes to provide affordable housing to UK citizens. This does not mean we should not also take a strong role in helping refugees.
Yes, the housing crisis is a big concern. We need to be building a lot of houses, and we're not. The number of additional houses needed to take a reasonable share of Europe's refugees isn't going to hugely impact this either way.

Not immigrants, refugees.

There are no European refugees, what are you talking about?

There are very few refugees in Calais, these are mostly people who are there purely to milk our social benefits.

The day you realize this is going to like that scene in Mars attacks when they have the big parade to welcome the Aliens played out in your head.

Much as you dont want to believe it, a lot of them are just scrounging vermin, and its those scrounging vermin that are effecting the ability of the few GENUINE displaced people to find refuge.
I'm suggesting we take an additional 40,000-60,000 refugees each year. As in people who are processed and found to be refugees. In terms of economic migration, such a number of refugees would be small compared to the large number of economic migrants we currently enjoy.

I don't agree with you that the people who have fled situations in Africa and the Middle East - as most of the Calais refugees have - are suitably described as "economic migrants" (although I have no doubt that there are some economic migrants among them, I do not believe they're remotely the majority) nor the many arriving across the Mediterranean.

As for claiming asylum in the first country they come to I see no reason that we should dent asylum seekers any agency in their destination nations nor do I think such a policy is sensible or fair. It would be absurd to leave struggling Greece to bare the entire burden of asylum seekers arriving across the med while rich Britain, France and German do nothing to help.

Yes, we need to build more homes to provide affordable housing to UK citizens. This does not mean we should not also take a strong role in helping refugees.

We are a tiny country already full of people from all over the EU right now without enough housing for who is here now, anyone that is working class can't afford it on their own.
All this talk about using the military is ridiculous! France won't allow troops to be deployed on their soil and we do not want troops deployed in our own country as that is a slippery slope. This is what the police and border staff are for

I think the suggestion is that British troops would be deployed with French government permission, or Dover-side - no-ones talking about an invasion lol. Problem is that the police and border staff can't cope, by their own admission hence why troops are needed - now (before the Army can't cope either thanks to Tory cuts).
Iyam the French should just give them refugee status and let them go anywhere they can get to, I wouldn't spend a penny to help camoron in the polls.
can we just let Mr Jack in to stop this bickering?
he speaks english quite well and obviously has money as he's paying for his data usage to calais-mobile.fr
As for claiming asylum in the first country they come to I see no reason that we should dent asylum seekers any agency in their destination nations nor do I think such a policy is sensible or fair. It would be absurd to leave struggling Greece to bare the entire burden of asylum seekers arriving across the med while rich Britain, France and German do nothing to help

Do nothing? OK then.
Is our glorious leader back yet from his jollies to deal with this serious invasion threat or is he still swanning around Asia?
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