2,000 migrants tried to enter channel tunnel last night!

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There are very few refugees in Calais, these are mostly people who are there purely to milk our social benefits.

Funny, I thought they were coming over here because of the number of "black jobs" (black market jobs). Well thats what seem to be the main reason from the people talking to journos on the today programme this morning.
It wouldn't surprise me if one day there is a "neutral zone" type place near Calais where immigrants will be held. It wouldn't be classed as French or UK soil and they are just in limbo.

And let it be a breeding ground for disease and death? As has already been said there is no good answer for what to do once they arrive on EU soil. What needs to happen is stop them at source.
And let it be a breeding ground for disease and death? As has already been said there is no good answer for what to do once they arrive on EU soil. What needs to happen is stop them at source.

And as we have no power or influence at all about what happens at the source that's no solution at all.

The only solution is that we have to get tough, change whatever laws we need to and be a lot more particular about who we let stay in the country. As harsh as it sounds, China doesn't want a load of North Korean refugees in its country, so sends any North Korean citizens it catches back. I'm not suggesting we go that far but these guys in Calais are clearly economic migrants not asylum seekers, so lets catch 'em, intern them, then deport them - all as cheaply as possible.
Again I can't stress this enough that there is no simple quick fix to this problem, yes we need to protect ourselves by having a much more robust immigration system, nobody refugee or otherwise should be entering illegally. But we really need to be addressing the problems that are forcing these people out of their home countries. Until you tackle the problem at its root it will continue to persist.

The problem at the root is that as soon as one successfully makes it it lets the others know its possible so more come in their wake. We rescue them from drowning in the sea, thats all very fine and worthy and looks good on camera and wins votes but no-one has any plans for what to do once they get on european soil. Its a systematic failure to have any plan for what to do with them.

The answer is simple: put them on a boat and send them back. Until they get the message that economic migrants are not welcome they'll keep on coming and coming and coming. Theres no end to it, its not a short term problem that can be solved by settling the immediate ones that are here, its a long term problem and this is just the thin end of the wedge.

They're coming to the land of milk and honey and whats more they know they can make it if they keep trying hard enough.
Is our glorious leader back yet from his jollies to deal with this serious invasion threat or is he still swanning around Asia?

He's back, had a Cobra meeting and is sending extra sniffer dogs and fencing. We'll be safe now.
We should create a new law that says refugees need a UK sponsor who can put them up. Then we'll see how many lefties are clamouring to let more refugees in.

i wonder how many spare bedrooms Mr Jack has, if none then im sure he'd be willing to get a bigger place to help house some of them
He's back, had a Cobra meeting and is sending extra sniffer dogs and fencing. We'll be safe now.

I thought you was joking till I read the same on the BBC :(

They'll just cut the fence again. Why sniffer dogs? maybe to see if they have drugs before they reach the UK?
No we don't. However, the UK is currently relatively un-urbanised so we're in no danger of doing so right now. Also, refugees are typically not permanent residents but returned when conditions in their home countries change.

Of course they will all go home... Sorry, I've got to go, just seen a pig fly past the window.

They will "fall off the radar", "through the net", "into the cracks" and never be seen or heard from again.

And let it be a breeding ground for disease and death? As has already been said there is no good answer for what to do once they arrive on EU soil. What needs to happen is stop them at source.

Is there much difference to the luxury dump they are living in now ? I never said I wanted that, all I said was that I can see something like this being introduced one day.
Of course they will all go home... Sorry, I've got to go, just seen a pig fly past the window.

They will "fall off the radar", "through the net", "into the cracks" and never be seen or heard from again.

Is there much difference to the luxury dump they are living in now ? I never said I wanted that, all I said was that I can see something like this being introduced one day.

The 10 year Long Residence rule allows for 10 years CONTINUOUS LAWFUL residence.
Er the state, that's what government is for spending tax to improve the lot of the population.

Well how about everyone who wants to chip in and supports this lot chips and supports them.

I personally don't want any of the money I contribute to go toward them and I suspect so does the majority of the population. If these people have genuine claims then they should apply through the process for genuine claims.

It's a no brainer for me - hip replacements for people who have paid tax all their life or a nice flat for Ahmed for Syria who has paid nothing in, wants to enter illegally and will most likely contribute nothing to the system he wants to sponge off.

It's quite simple - all the people who feel bad for them chip in and pay for them. All sorted then isn't it.
Another 5 off the back of a lorry today in Oxford, to go with the 18 off one lorry last week in Banbury.

UKBA can't cope, the Immigration Detention centres are full. They had to put a mother and 12 year old child up in a hotel in West Oxfordshire last week as all the social services placements are full as well.

And a random loner claimed asylum in Italy, France and finally the UK when he got here earlier this week.
"Swarm" was probably not the best choice of words, albeit sums up what most sane minded people are thinking.

The offended generation.

swarm |swɔːm|
a large or dense group of flying insects: a swarm of locusts.
• a large number of honeybees that leave a hive en masse with a newly fertilized queen in order to establish a new colony.
• (a swarm/swarms of) a large number of people or things: a swarm of journalists.
• a series of similar-sized earthquakes occurring together, typically near a volcano.
• Astronomy a large number of minor celestial objects occurring together in space, especially a dense shower of meteors.

verb [ no obj. ]
1 (of flying insects) move in or form a swarm: (as adj.swarming) : swarming locusts.
• (of honeybees, ants, or termites) issue from the nest in large numbers in order to mate and found new colonies: the bees had swarmed and left the hive.
2 [ no obj., with adverbial ] move somewhere in large numbers: protesters were swarming into the building.
• (swarm with) be crowded or overrun with (moving people or things): the place was swarming with police.

Whilst we have a serious humanitarian issue on our doorstep, and social services at breaking point here on the mainland, our politicians are having a semantics debate about the word "swarm". :rolleyes:

Er the state, that's what government is for spending tax to improve the lot of the population.

Welfare spending, including housing, is designed for our own citizens who have paid into the pot, not economic migrants who have never contributed anything.
Welfare spending, including housing, is designed for our own citizens who have paid into the pot, not economic migrants who have never contributed anything.

No it's not - it makes no distinction between those who have and have not paid into the pot.

Frankly, it's more designed as hush money to stop the poor revolting or otherwise inconveniencing the wealthier. If one were to take a cynical view.
The problem at the root is that as soon as one successfully makes it it lets the others know its possible so more come in their wake. We rescue them from drowning in the sea, thats all very fine and worthy and looks good on camera and wins votes but no-one has any plans for what to do once they get on european soil. Its a systematic failure to have any plan for what to do with them.

The answer is simple: put them on a boat and send them back. Until they get the message that economic migrants are not welcome they'll keep on coming and coming and coming. Theres no end to it, its not a short term problem that can be solved by settling the immediate ones that are here, its a long term problem and this is just the thin end of the wedge.

They're coming to the land of milk and honey and whats more they know they can make it if they keep trying hard enough.

Sending them back at least should send the right message that the chances of succeeding are very slim and deter others from following in their footsteps.
I am utterly shocked these people are clearly being let in!


How can there be no police , no cctv cameras in the tunnel etc? looking over the vans from a height ?how can they get to Britain like that WTF? it's clear the government doesn't give a crap what a joke! they are in plain sight ffs

As always big business profits come before everything else.... what a joke
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