2,000 migrants tried to enter channel tunnel last night!

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Why don't the French just send them all back? If they are illegals, then why don't they just walk into the jungle round them up, and put on the next plane back?
some ****** on the news early being interviewed whom suggested we should pay money to France to basically look after the immigrants and the condition would be that they are moved from Calais

Some english guy says that... if france said it then surely it would sound like blackmail? ******* elitists toffs need culling not the badgers or foxes
WTF? man just bomb the damn tunnel cut us off from france it will hurt there economy more than it will ours
this is intersting given jacks posting that we dont take out fair share



When I see figures like this I can't help wondering how many illegal immigrants are in each country i.e. those who haven't requested asylum. I mean, you go to any city in Germany and it's quite clearly Germany - you go to London and it's like a foreign country. Isn't there some statistic that although the UK's official population is 65 million, the total amount of food and water consumed would suggest a population closer to 75 million.

I've no great desire for my country to end up being the rape capital of the world like Sweden has become.
There was an Iraqi refugee with his daughter who wants to come to England because his wife is here. How do these people get so drastically split up in the first place?
Conflict tends to do that to people. You aren't with the people you care about all the time and unfortunately conflict does not pick the most convenient times to enter you life.
Conflict tends to do that to people. You aren't with the people you care about all the time and unfortunately conflict does not pick the most convenient times to enter you life.

True. The sensitive part of me does feel as though people with husbands/wives/children already here, who have been granted asylum, should be let in. However, it stops there.

Asylum Aid have been calling for any migrant with a family connection in the UK to be allowed in. That can't happen, as it is effectively an open door policy. But I don't think you should split that level of family apart. There's a toddler without her mum. I couldn't be a party to letting that situation continue.
Read if you can stomach it! :mad:


Looks like the EU is being a total Richard towards the UK! :(

Of course. The EU hates us. They see us as a big island where they can just dump all their crap and take plenty of dough off us for the privilege.

It's deffo time for the army.

Now, I honestly, for the life of me, dont want this, but what do you think the French reaction would be if a a migrant or a group of them, rounded on a french copper and murdered him?
Basically they getting a free pass and I mean free, from Italy, Greece and France direct to the UK. :mad:

EU is a *****ing hole in our backsides we don't need. See if I can get from Liverpool to London free approximately 1/10 the distance. :rolleyes:

The whole charade is ludicrous the EU, immigration, exploitation with human trafficking etc. :mad:

Its becoming a hole and I might have to look to move away if it gets any worst.
I have family and friends in Australia, Dubai and Canada.

I do not want to move away but.

I have lived in my area most of my life and I can tell you now for a fact, they are everywhere, along with the alcoholics and halfway houses the area has turned into a cesspit, all within 15 years! :(

But no lets welcome our human friends with open arms and give them somewhere to live. It begins with a F and ends with F! :mad:
When I see figures like this I can't help wondering how many illegal immigrants are in each country i.e. those who haven't requested asylum. I mean, you go to any city in Germany and it's quite clearly Germany - you go to London and it's like a foreign country.

So because somebody is 'foreign' they must be illegal immigrants? The reason for what you've noticed isn't because London is full of illegal immigrants its because London has a wide range of cultures and nationalities who are legally living there.
But no lets welcome our human friends with open arms and give them somewhere to live. It begins with a F and ends with F! :mad:

What tripe, if we welcomed them 'with open arms' they wouldn't need to risk death smuggling themselves in :confused:

Tell us more about how you dislike immigration so intend to immigrate to another country.
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