no force drying was done heres the pictures
It's a total disaster, i've just tried to strip this stuff off and the back of the panel which is primer is just smearing around not blistering like paint should, it's like adding water to a water based paint - the panels are wrecked
The top panel and the PSU case are fine but the two side panels
there must have been something on then, even though all the panels were treated the same and all done at the same time.
I'me really liking the colour and how it looks on the good parts but i think that i shoukd have gone with a different spray as this plastikote stuff seems even though dry it marks with a finger nail it just seems too soft.
supposedly the primer is touch dry in 10-20 minutes and thoroughly dry in 30-40 minutes. the metalic is touch dry in 5 minutes and thoroughly dry in 25-35 minutes
The first coat of primer was done on thursday night, it was sanded and washed on sunday morning. Sunday late afternoon evening the second coat of primer was applied. late this afternoon it was sanded again and washed, dried by hand then the metalic was sprayed on. So i think i've given plenty of time to dry ?