2006 Monte Carlo Grand Prix - Race 7/18

DreederOcUK said:
What MS did was wrong, regardless of his final position. The fact he has used under hand tactics before and most times gotten away with it is the reason its ****** me off so much.

So much so that you wish that he was dead? There is no need for that.
Fisichella punished for impeding Coulthard

Giancarlo Fisichella has been penalised by race stewards of the Monaco Grand Prix for blocking David Coulthard during qualifying on Saturday.

The Italian Renault driver will lose his three fastest laps from qualifying after stewards ruled Fisichella, who had qualified fifth, had impeded Red Bull driver Coulthard during one of his qualifying runs.

The stewards said Fisichella's actions may not have been deliberate, but penalised him nonetheless.

"He (Coulthard) looked as if he should have been able to qualify in the top five or six," Red Bull team boss Christian Horner told Reuters.

"Unfortunately he got blocked by Fisichella on his fast lap and that cost him a great deal of time."

Ferrari's Michael Schumacher, who took pole position, was also summoned by stewards after he stalled on the penultimate corner in the dying seconds of the final qualifying. The obstruction prevented rivals from bettering his time.
Brawn retaliates at Schumacher critics

Ferrari technical director Ross Brawn has defended Michael Schumacher and retaliated to criticism across the paddock following the German's controversial incident in qualifying for the Monaco Grand Prix.

The Ferrari driver stopped on track in the dying moments of the session, ruining the efforts of his rivals who were challenging Schumacher's pole time.

But Brawn said the paddock reaction was ill-informed and emotional, the Briton rejecting claims that Schumacher acted deliberately.

"They should all cool down a bit and let the facts come out, then they can have an opinion," Brawn told British broadcaster ITV.

"There are a lot of emotions running round at the moment, but the stewards have to take an objective look at the facts and make a decision then."

Brawn further insisted that Schumacher made a mistake and not a calculated move.

"He lost control of the car," Brawn continued. "He locked the brakes and lost it in that corner. We've still got to talk to him and find out exactly what happened. There was a lot of cursing on the radio.

"We wouldn't do that sort of thing on purpose. Michael clearly had a very good lap, and he was on another lap with low fuel, so it was not a deliberate act... Not the Michael I know."
No surprise there. I was expecting the stewards to rule against us. But then, if he was found to have impeded DC, then it's tough luck.

Brawns comments are expected. He's not exactly going to say anything bad about his own driver in such a situation ... ;)
Stewart: Schumacher incident avoidable

Former world champion Jackie Stewart believes Michael Schumacher could have avoided leaving his Ferrari in the middle of the Rascasse corner during qualifying for the Monaco Grand Prix.

"I have to say that I felt that it was an avoidable set of circumstances," Stewart said after qualifying.

"Having seen the slow motion of the car and its motion, as he was going in and at the middle and the end of Rascasse, I have to believe that he could have avoided leaving the car where it was."

Schumacher has been summoned by the race stewards after he stopped his car with just seconds of qualifying left.

The move, which Schumacher claimed was a genuine error, made the marshalls wave the yellow flags, costing several drivers valuable time on their final laps. World champion Fernando Alonso claimed Schumacher's incident cost him pole.

Stewart agreed with the Renault driver.

"I would be feeling very upset," Stewart said of Alonso. "I think it was a good lap, I think he would have been on pole position and I think one or two other people might have put in some fast laps as well.

"It's the first time I've actually seen something with that quality of mind management."
Fire 1 said:
If MS had finished down in fourth of Fifth would you lot be caring if the same incident happened? Thought not.

No, but ive heard about MS using too many dirty tactics to win chapionships/races, so why not do it to get pole, especially in Monaco as overtaking is so difficult. Theres no way if MS was behind Alonso that he could overtake on track, the car isnt fast enough and Alonso is such a chilled guy when under pressure. The last two times its been done in the pits, so it makes sense him wanting pole so he doenst have to wait until they are 33% into the race to attempt an overtake.

To me, it looked like he lost it on purpose, his entry line was wrong not just his exit. Im not saying that because i dont like, it just didnt look like your average mistake to me.
Villeneuve blasts old rival Schumacher

Jacques Villeneuve has made a scathing attack on Michael Schumacher following the controversial end to qualifying at Monaco today.

The 1997 world champion, who survived an assault from Schumacher's Ferrari to win his title, says that if the incident that caused the session to finish under yellow flags was deliberate, the FIA should throw the book at the German.

"I hope it was deliberate, because if that was a mistake he should not even have a F1 superlicence," the Canadian said. "If you can make a mistake like that, you shouldn't drive a race car. There's no way you could make a mistake like that."

"It's the kind of thing I couldn't dream of doing myself. I don't know what goes through your mind when you decide to do that, when you know that the rest of the world can see. I don't understand it, it's stupid."

"It shows that you can only give the benefit of the doubt to someone so many times. Sometimes it makes you realise that every time it happens there is a reason behind it."

"He didn't need to do that, he's a seven times world champion, he was on pole position. Why do that? It's only going to make him look bad."

Schumacher and Ferrari are waiting for a verdict from the stewards who are considering whether to punish the seven-time champion who has denied the incident at Rascasse was intentional.

Villeneuve believes there is nothing stopping the stewards from finding him guilty.

"They were able to prove I blocked Fisichella at the Nurburgring, and I didn't," he said. "This is so obvious. When you do something on purpose like that it is very extreme. You should not be allowed to drive a race car when you do stuff like that."

When asked whether he thought the FIA would punish Schumacher, Villeneuve said: "Well, it's Ferrari, so..."

As for Schumacher's position as president of the Grand Prix Drivers' Association, Villeneuve said: "I'm sure we'll discuss it, but I don't know about that yet.

"This is embarrassing. Embarrassing for a world champion. It would even be embarrassing for [Yuji] Ide."
Just checked my inbox for the Press releases for Qualifying...

I've got 12 of 13... *11 teams and the 2 tyre companies*

Guess whose release is missing?

GPDA rumblings

Within minutes of the end of qualifying for the Monaco Grand Prix, there were rumblings in the paddock that a number of the F1 drivers are so unahppy about what happened to Michael Schumacher that the Grand Prix Drivers' Association is going to demand Schumacher's resignation from the board of directors of the organisation because they consider his manoeuvre at Rascasse to have been unsporting and detrimental to the image of the sport.

Michael denied doing anything deliberate to get pole position for the race but the mood in the paddock and in the media centre was very clear indeed.

Fernando Alonso did the right thing and remained diplomatic but everyone knew what he was thinking.

The FIA Stewards are investigating the incident and their reaction will be interesting to watch as their credibility is, to some extent, depenedent on what they rule.


This has to show something as to what the drivers thought?
Stellios said:
Oh for..... ;)

Somehow i thought id be a bit late, your too fast for news, how do you do it?

REPLAY OF THE FAULTproviding im nto too late already

I have very nimble and talented fingers. *So the other half claims anyway.. ;)*

I think the video has been done already as well.. ;) That one wasn't me though.

Just reading through the qualifying report on grandprix.com and this paragraph just sums up my feelings on MS exactly.

The fact is that in such matters Michael has a track record and whenever there are question marks over an incident it is inevitable that his motives will be questioned. This is the tragedy of Michael Schumacher and why he will never be thought of as a champion in the same league of the greatest names of the sport. Statistics mean nothing because there are always going to be people who will remember the other stuff.
Lay off Schuey - the man is a genius - pure jealousy on everyones part. People are questioning what happened because we are not used to him making mistakes - had it been his brother Ralf it would have Oh dear Ralf did it again.
goreblast said:
Lay off Schuey - the man is a genius - pure jealousy on everyones part. People are questioning what happened because we are not used to him making mistakes - had it been his brother Ralf it would have Oh dear Ralf did it again.

Well yes. That is exactly it. He is too experienced to make a mistake like this. He is naturally going to make mistakes, but as Jacques said, even Ide would be embarrassed at such a mistake like this. So much so, it is hard to think it was a mistake.
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