2006 Monte Carlo Grand Prix - Race 7/18

Westyfield2 said:
Think this bit of the rule sheet might be of interest... Rule 116 at the bottom says it all.... come on stewards do your stuff!!

Just waiting for the stewards, must be soon...

Ahh but the key is 'in the opinion of the stewards' So since its all down to human interpritation so it could go either way.
I am not a big schumacher fan, but in the press conference he said the engine had an auto cut off for safety if it was just sitting there, he had 2 cars come round after he stopped so by the time he went to move, it is conceivable that the car could have cut itself off.
I think in any other curcuit in the world he would have spun it out, but in monaco its too much of a gamble to hit something and damage the car, although from TV it looks like it could have nudged round, but its easy seeing the space from an Areal shot and not from the cockpit :p

edit ha ha ha thats quality storm
What? Still no decision

Formula 1 qualifying in Monaco ended at just after three o'clock local time but at nine thirty - around six and a half hours later, the three FIA Stewards had yet to rule on whether or not Michael Schumacher deliberately impeded other drivers in the final minute of qualifying by staging a false accident at Rascasse. The incident meant that Schumacher held on to pole position and the F1 paddock was almost unanimous (a rare thing indeed) in the belief that the move had been a tactical one rather than a amateur screw-up - as it appeared to be.

The FIA Stewards first ruled on Giancarlo Fisichella getting in the way of David Coulthard and that took only until ten past six, but three hours and 20 minutes later there is still nothing on the Schumacher case.

Such delays can only add to the impression that the decision involves more than three men sitting in a room by themselves.
Schumacher hits back at detractors

Michael Schumacher has responded to his detractor at Monaco, insisting he did not deliberately cause the yellow flags in the dying moments of qualifying today.

Schumacher, who met with the stewards shortly after the session, remained in his motorhome all afternoon, avoiding the normal post-qualifying media interviews. He emerged in the evening, however, to meet some of the media members that are still waiting at the track for the stewards' decision.

"I've explained to the stewards what I've already said in the [FIA] press conference," the German said. "We've shown them the data they wanted to see. The FIA had its own data, and they fitted each other.

"Now everybody is waiting for their decision."

Schumacher said his car was difficult to drive and developed problems before coming to a halt at Rascasse.

"It starts to get more difficult to drive, already earlier it was getting difficult to hold the car," he said. "In corner 6, I had to work harder at the wheel, and also at corner 10 and at the chicane.

"The car was more unbalanced, but I still knew I could have made up the time. I think I was only 1.5 to 2 tenths [of a second] slower than my fastest lap. I knew the last sector is really decisive, so that's why I was pushing. But it didn't work out.

"If somebody wants to make a complaint, it's because I was too fast. By then making a mistake, I get the complaints I've seen. That is hard to understand."

Schumacher dismissed harsh criticism made by drivers like Jacques Villeneuve, who described Schumacher's driving as "embarrassing".

"They are not really my friends, and over the years it is always the same ones who say these things," Schumacher responded.

"Only the man who is sitting in the car knows. I don't think they have the information to make a valid judgement.

"But I've been long enough in this business to know how to deal with complaints; after a while, it calms down."

Asked if he at all felt guilty, Schumacher replied: "If I do, it's for being too fast, that's all I'm guilty of, nothing else. "
Stellios said:
You might have missed it, but im sure Flibster wouldnt. Im sure itll be on here within 30 seconds of it being announced, just keep checking back.

Are you implying that I have no life and spend my life in front of computer screens reading and watching and learning about F1?

Well...you're closer to the truth than I care to comment on... :(

Stormrider said:
Late night screening to avoid the kiddies is it?

Yup - just the drunk buggers.... :(

The people moaning are the one's whom are not fans of schumacher, he locked his front wheel and the car went of line.

Schumacher made a mistake pushing hard to find the time

Wow look at all the stuff Senna did and you still call him great...
Over Clocker said:
Right, lets place bets!!

I think Schumacher did this deliberately, but I think the race stewards will rule in his and Ferrari's favour.


Not commenting as I've already had threats from people via email *:rolleyes:* about the way I/we talk about their love interest....

Sadly - people do seem to take these threads FAR too seriously...no doubt one of the little self abusers *;)* is currently composing an email to send me on the subject of what I can do to my love spuds as people have been abusing the focus of their love juice....

Flibster said:
Not commenting as I've already had threats from people via email *:rolleyes:* about the way I/we talk about their love interest....

Sadly - people do seem to take these threads FAR too seriously...no doubt one of the little self abusers *;)* is currently composing an email to send me on the subject of what I can do to my love spuds as people have been abusing the focus of their love juice....


oh dear. People do take all this far too seriously sometimes.
Same people you can't have a reasoned argument with.
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