2006 Monte Carlo Grand Prix - Race 7/18

Livestrong said:
The people moaning are the one's whom are not fans of schumacher, he locked his front wheel and the car went of line.

Schumacher made a mistake pushing hard to find the time

Wow look at all the stuff Senna did and you still call him great...

I do actually think he is a talented driver, but he has tarnished himself too many times. Pushing Hill off to win the Championship, pushing Villeneuve off, and now this.

he could have easily have made that corner in my opinion. Utter disgrace, completely un-sportsmanlike.
.....and to those of you sending silly emails to Flibster - GET A GRIP!

....... All it shows is that some Schumacher supporters here are like the man himself in the way that they act.

/edit- PS, there is actually a reason that some of us dislike Schumacher... ever thought of that??
Autosport.com has the following

Schumacher sent to the back of the grid
The Monaco Grand Prix stewards have deleted all of Michael Schumacher's times in qualifying today, sending him to the back of the grid for tomorrow's race.

Full details to follow...

EDIT: Now how does this fit with the fuel levels?
Over Clocker said:
he has tarnished himself too many times. Pushing Hill off to win the Championship, pushing Villeneuve off, and now this.

he could have easily have made that corner in my opinion. Utter disgrace, completely un-sportsmanlike.

Spot on, I came on to say EXACTLY this tonight.

Sending him to the back of the grid is the right decision, I would personally like to see even more done though.

Cant wait to see what is said in the prerace interviews tomorrow, could be very very intresting.
I cannot beleive I am going to miss the race tomorrow!!!

I don't have the willpower to not find out who won, but i'll still watch the race re-run! Just wanted to catch all of the usually dull pre-race stuff this time round!!!

Schumacher sent to the back of the grid

The Monaco Grand Prix stewards have deleted all of Michael Schumacher's times in qualifying today, sending him to the back of the grid for tomorrow's race.

They said in a statement on Saturday that the seven-times champion had deliberately stopped his car on the track in the closing seconds of qualifying, preventing rivals from setting a faster time.

The decision means Renault's world champion Fernando Alonso will now start on pole, with Williams driver Mark Webber alongside on the front row.

The decision was announced eight hours after qualifying ended - the longest deliberation by stewards in recent years.

The three FIA-appointed stewards - Tony Scott Andrews, Joaquin Verdegay and Christian Calmes - said in a statement they have heard evidence from Schumacher himself; his race engineer Chris Dyer; Ferrari technical director Ross Brawn; Ferrari team manager Stefano Domenicali; race director Charlie Whiting; and FIA software analyst Alan Prudom.

The stewards further considered data evidence produced to them by both Ferrari and the FIA, viewed video evidence, and compared data evidence from Schumacher's previous laps in qualifying.

Their findings were: "having set a fast time in sector one, the driver lost time in sector two, arrived at Turn 18 at a speed little, if any, different from his previous fastest lap, and braked with such force that his front wheels locked up, requiring the driver to regain control of the car.

"The driver ultimately did so without hitting the barrier on the outside of Turn 18. The engine of the car subsequently stalled, with the result of the car partially blocked the track.

"Having compared all relevant data, the stewards can find no justifiable reason for the driver to have braked with such undue, excessive and unusual pressure at this part of the circuit, and are therefore left with no alternatives but to conclude that the driver deliberately stopped his car on the circuit in the last few minutes of qualifying, at a time at which he had thus far set the fastest laptime."

The stewards said this was in breach of the 2006 Formula One sporting regulations and have "accordingly directed that the qualifying times of Michael Schumacher be deleted. The effect of this is that he will start from the back of the grid."

The stewards penalised Schumacher under Article 112 of the Sporting Regulations, leaving Ferrari no option to appeal.

"Article 112 enables the stewards to delete any number of a driver's qualifying times for a driving infringement, which decision is not susceptible to appeal," they said.
Over Clocker said:
Very glad they have made the correct decision this time.

Still beleive a harsher reprimand should follow due to the stupidity of what he has done and the damage to the sport.


Exactly, what does it say when someone with that many world championships under his belt and who is that well known behaves like that.

Lets face it, someone who knows nothing at all about F1 will know exactly who Schumacher is and will see him as the top man in F1, then they hear a story like this, what does that do to the sport!!

And lets face it, its not the first time he has acted like this, this time he needs to be punished more severley than being sent to the back of the grid for one race.
Glad on both accounts... MS had the chance to make the corner and didn't and Fisi got what he deserved after the charade a few weeks ago.
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