2008 British Grand Prix - Race 9/17

I dont believe that Massa's spinning was of his own doing. Something wasnt right, given that he actually spun the car, when he was going in a straight line.
Massa can't drive in the wet, he was exactly the same the last time there was a downpour.
Imagine how far ahead Ferrari could be if they hadnt picked crap strategys here, in Monaco and when they had got infront of everyone at Canda and someone ran into the back of them.

What if McLaren had changed Lewis' tyres at the end of last season before he went out? Oh yeah, Ferrari wouldn't have won the title...

Ferrari fans seem to not notice that the guy who drove thebest on the tyres/conditions available won the race. LH was whacking in laps that only Barricello was close to and he was on full wets. Kimi did not keep pace after the 1st stop even on the same inters (once they changed them) and still spent more time playing spin-a-round with Felipe.

Intereting question, would all you red-specticled ladies and gents have complained if it had been too hot and the big red machines had died in the heat, or if it was too windy...hmm.
No but hang on, I thought that the OCUK forumites had all concluded that the 'non-driver aids' rule changes would favour Button, as he was allegedly the most smoothest driver ever.

I of course, disagreed.

You also praised the FIA and the rule changes for bringing closer racing. That will be Max then. :p
Am laughing at all the randoms standing at the back of Steve and Mark, trying to get on the telly.
"Mum!! Can you see me now?"
"Oooh im going to stand here with my carrier bag and loiter"
etc etc
What can a driver do, if he is going in a straight line, and the car spins? Please explain this to me.

It's called not flooring it out of a corner.

He spun the car, the car didn't suddenly spin in a straight line. It's because he put to much power down on the exit.

The Ferrari car was definitely not setup right for this race.
Or at least Massa's car.
Even if it is sent up, that would be a perfectly reasonable excuse for slow lap times. However that is not an excuse for spinning so many times. He should learn where the limit of the car is. That doesn't matter how the car is set up.
It's called not flooring it out of a corner.

He spun the car, the car didn't suddenly spin in a straight line. It's because he put to much power down on the exit.

Hes on about when Massa driving down one of the straights and suddenly just did a 180 on him. With no turning of the wheel or coming up to a corner.
He had to keep putting his visor up and down to get the rain off....surely as a man, Lewis isnt able to multitask? :D
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