As unbiased as I can be I do think the penalty Lewis got was harsh but fair - the way I see it is that any accident was avoided not because of his actions (when you are locked up you are just a spectator) but because of the cars around him having the nonce and reflexes to go around him.
Now I know it happens a lot but because of what he did (I think it has to be given that it was a concious decision for him to go into that corner in that position, at that speed and brake as late as he did) it genuinely affected other drivers race around him where the net result was that they became disadvantaged. Indeed the HK incident could be seen as either a separate incident or a knock-on effect to what Lewis had done...
Lets pretend it was a normal overtaking manoeuvre and only LH and KR were involved - coming into that corner KR was ahead but due to LHs actions he got a net gain over KR, which in todays interpretations would either made him give up the spot or serve a drive-through like he did...
No doubt Id be shot down for this - but taking it at face value LH attempted to do a pass on KR which didnt work and gave the net result that he gained an unfair advantage...