F1 : Formula 1 fans burn Lewis Hamilton merchandise in BBQ frenzy
Source/Credit - F1SA
In a 'bring and burn' style BBQ, a group of Formula One fans in the Midlands of the United Kingdom got together on Monday evening to burn the Lewis Hamilton merchandise they had spent their hard earned money to passionately buy in support of whom was once their favourite driver.
The majority brought along bright red Hamilton caps, others their exclusive Lewis Hamilton collection t-shirts and a couple of Lewis banner flags, all of which went into the flames.
A quick calculation of the merchandise tallied up to over UK £600.00 ($1100.00 USD)
Though most expletives and comments made by the group cannot openly be mentioned, the majority stated their latest opinion of the Formula One driver had drastically changed over the last few months, with words such as 'megalomaniac', 'crack pot' and 'over inflated ego' among the select few that can be repeated in public.
The most surprising factor of all was the that there was not a single Spaniard, Brazilian, Italian or Frenchman in the group, which was made up entirely of British Formula One fans.