Wow, the Daily Mirror are bitter
Umm.. no they aren't, that's been abandoned in this term.
Well they abandoned the inheritance tax, which was a fair change. Remember people have been taxed on their wages, taxed on the house purchase and then get taxed when they die, its taxing the same money over and over again, it is completely unfair.
Likewise tax credits, currently LAbour hands out child tax credits to pretty much ALL families, Lib Dem's AND Torys both very specifically stated they would only cut the tax credits on families making over 50k or so a year. Hardly average families and hardly the ones that need it. Those kinds of benefits should be for people who really struggly, making it available for those that don't need it is ridiculous and why Labour have run up such a massive debt and defecit.
I believe both Lib Dem and Tory planned to increase the child tax credit, but make it bigger for poorer people and pay for it by stopping well off families getting it at all.
Theres nothing bad about that, its HELPING poor people and screwing richer people, but Labour/Brown constantly throughout the election said both parties were planning to take money from the poor and give it to the rich. Its pathetic, I really wish they actually weren't allowed, by law, to lie about the other parties so blantantly.
Stupid paper complaing about tax credits against the two parties that planned to screw the rich and give to the poor in that case, while supporting Labour who were doing the opposite.