Don't expect rypt to reply with substance, to anything of substance.
What other countries do is of no relevance, flat tax (as a percentage) is the fairest system
Don't expect rypt to reply with substance, to anything of substance.
Anyone heard more about the capital gains tax they were mentioning last night? They didn't go into detail. Just wondering how I'll be hit when I sell my flat, even though I'll be lucky to make £5K out of it after fees etc.
What other countries do is of no relevance, flat tax (as a percentage) is the fairest system
Fair is a subjective word. There is no point at all using it with regards to taxation.
Vince Cable is to be the new Business Secretary, and Michael Gove is Schools Secretary.
Fair is not a subjective word.
Fair for income tax is when everyone pays the same as a percentage of their income.
Fair for local tax is when everyone pays the same amount in tax as they are an equal drain on services (thus poll tax was the fairest system)
Looking at those maps it would appear the last thing that the majority of Scots and Welsh want is independence ?
Fair? How is taxing something that has already been fair? How is taxing something that could mean someone has to sell or remortage their family home fair?
How is a tax that is completely unrelated to ability to pay fair?
I am assuming by fair you actually mean "It doesn't impact me"? As that seems to be the normal meaning of the word "fair" as far as taxation is concenred.
Not to mention it has little impact on the richest in our society as they plan for it and avoid it any way.
So your subjective view for the word fair when it comes to taxation means everyone pays an equal amount. That's fine. However that doesn't make it fair from someone elses point of view. For example some people may believe that the only fair tax is that which is based on ability to pay. For them, your tax views, as it ignores ability to pay, would not be fair.
There is nothing fair about taxing based on ability to pay, as it assumes what someone is able to pay - thus tries to impose a lifestyle on them that they may not want.
Under that system someone earning say £1mil would be "able to pay" 750k as tax, as 250k is enough to live on comfortably ... but what if that person wants to live a lavish lifestyle that sees him spend £500k?
Flat percentage tax is inherently fair due to it being the same for everyone, with no bias towards how they want to live or how much they earn.
The point I was trying to make is that different people have different ideas about what is and isnt fair. Which is why fair is the wrong word to use. (Which is also why I used it so much in repsonse to Mr_Jack's usage when it came to IHT).
Inheritance is completely unearned income, it's getting a huge wodge of cash that you never lifted a finger for. It serves entirely to propogate privilege and is as unmeritocratic as you can get. Tax on inheritance is the single fairest tax in our entire system. I'm glad to see Tory plans for a massive giveaway to the richest in our society scotched.
Still hating on everything are you?
Go on then, let's see a picture of you so we can all see how it's done.
How are "family homes" fair?
How is giving people huge sums of unearned income fair?
Why is it fair that the children of the rich get a massive unmeritocratic leg up in life?
As for ability to pay, it's a massive chunk of unearned income! Ability to pay doesn't come into it, because you're not taxing something anyone has earned.
What a silly thing to say.
That could be avoided with suitable reform.
For them, your tax views, as it ignores ability to pay, would not be fair.
There is nothing fair about taxing based on ability to pay, as it assumes what someone is able to pay - thus tries to impose a lifestyle on them that they may not want.
Under that system someone earning say £1mil would be "able to pay" 750k as tax, as 250k is enough to live on comfortably ... but what if that person wants to live a lavish lifestyle that sees him spend £500k?
Flat percentage tax is inherently fair due to it being the same for everyone, with no bias towards how they want to live or how much they earn.
Of course that's fair. At the risk of repeating myself from last night, why should someone that earns more pay more? That makes no sense to me at all. Everyone should pay the same % tax.