2011 Census soon!

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Living in a place called "Burnham, Bucks", I suspect that a sense of humour, no matter how underdeveloped, is pretty much an essential requirement :D

. . . On reflection . . . do you by any chance happen to have a Labour controlled council . . . :confused:

I'm not from Burnham, I currently live here because I work about 1.5 miles away. Also it's got great transport links for future work (halfway between the Thames Valley and London, about 20 mins train to Paddington or Reading and it's also near Heathrow). It's a fairly affluent area so obviously it's a Conservative council (South Bucks). Not sure how long I'll stay here, will possibly move abroad again at some point.

Where are you from? I imagine you've lived in the same area most if not all of your life?
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[TW]Fox;18508903 said:
Maybe you should get a job there and sort them all out, after all you know everything.

Well as far as the civil service in Northern Ireland goes there is great wastage massive sickleave, and very low efficiency. It could well do with him taking a job there and drumming them into shape.

Whilst I agree that one lovely all encompassing DB would be a wonderful solution, the amount of whinging that would occur trying to generate such a system would be incredible. You'd end up having to go Gadaffi on the crowd just to shut them up.

Threads like this I find rather entertaining.
A troll starts something with sly comments, and a couple of folks join in, some with good intentions and some just to express their own ignorance or stupidity. The ability of morons to express their moronical views is superb, and displays the outstanding bastion the internet forum boards have become. People can continue with certain lines of thought for far longer than the would allowed to in real life, even their own brain would respond at some point if speaking to another person.

Anyway I think the census is a greta idea, and filling in rubbish for the sake of it, when you could write perfectly good answers is probably the result of some deep seated psychological issue for many people. Spending the same amount of time to give either the correct answers or a load of rubbish, and choosing to give rubbish for the purpose of disinformation, or to amuse oneself isn't a good thing.
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Thread is tl;dr - see below for my 2 penneth worth:

Due to the amount of times we give UK plc the taxpayers money only to see them **** it up in spades I'm glad it's going to an overseas company. Everything always goes over-budget, under-spec and unfit for purpose so give it to someone else.

In my opinion someone who doesn't complete the Census is no different to someone who doesn't vote in elections. When in a few years time a government policy goes **** up they'll be in no position to complain as the government would have been making their decisions based on incomplete data. Way to go jackass.
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You know if you fill it with rubbish, they will send census collectors round, and then if you refuse to give them serious answers, things quickly escalate.

As someone who has seen portions of the census dataset from 2001 (used as part of some academic research I was doing), the paranoia is just amusing.
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I ask you this, how are the government supposed to plan for future schools, hospitals and other public services without geographic demographic data?

How are the government to know, how many people care for their elderly parents? How many people are deaf and blind in this country? How many people live in households? etc. etc.

How do you guide public policy in general without any information?
even i disagree with you and I literally hate the tories with all their right wing fantasies, but the census was going to happen no matter what government was in power. Its just one of those things you do, although I do disagree with having to be classified and given a label, just take a chill pill and put whatever BS you want in the form if it angers you that much.

It is bad that some yank arms company is getting paid to do it, but there is nothing anyone could have done about that as non compliance isnt an option, however feel free to right FU lockhead on the back or something
So what was the Doomsday census then?

as already explained it wasn't a census in the form we understand now.

But it was the first attempt (i believe) to attempt to gather data about a country's population on such a massive scale. Prior to the domesday book, there hadn't been anything on such a (comparatively for the time) massive scale.
I ask you this, how are the government supposed to plan for future schools, hospitals and other public services without geographic demographic data?

How are the government to know, how many people care for their elderly parents? How many people are deaf and blind in this country? How many people live in households? etc. etc.

How do you guide public policy in general without any information?

But they already have most of the information via other sources, such as employment, tax, council tax, dvla, etc, etc
But they already have most of the information via other sources, such as employment, tax, council tax, dvla, etc, etc

yes but as you well know all this information is held separately, any attempt to centralize it and give people access to it results in people like Stockhausen being up in arms.
yes but as you well know all this information is held separately, any attempt to centralize it and give people access to it results in people like Stockhausen being up in arms.

The argument that government already holds too much info is completely separate from the argument of centralising what they currently hold.
The argument that government already holds too much info is completely separate from the argument of centralising what they currently hold.

Its also about the security of that data, something that people like Stockhausen don't think can be trusted to lockhead martin.

The lack of trust with that data means it stays where it is, and doesn't get shared.
But they already have most of the information via other sources, such as employment, tax, council tax, dvla, etc, etc

Centralising data like that isn't free anyway and may not contain the specific statistics required or contain sensitive data which cannot be kept under census guidelines or contain redundant data.

I can also imagine that the software required to collate information from very different formats into an error free database is near impossible.

A centralised database with dynamic and up-to-date information using existing dynamic databases is probably much better than the census in a lot of ways. I'm not a software programmer, so I ask people out there. What is easier to implement?
Not a census in the way we use the word now so I'd say calling it a census is a misnomer I suppose. It was a survey of landowners and omitted certain areas so couldn't really be used to determine population very well but that was never the intention.

It was effectively an Audit or Land Survey rather than a census.

It was called the Domesday Book, and not the Doomsday Book as well. (I know you didn't call it that I was referring to your quoted poster)
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