So I finished the second cycle of HST today, having not used HST since my last log over a year ago. This cycle dragged out over 8 weeks rather than 6 due to Christmas and snow and wasn't my strongest cycle to date but did finish heavier in some places, or at least more comfortably.
Bench 5 x 3's finished at 110KG and managed a comfortable 130KG and a right battler of 135KG so no PB for this year (matched 2011) but a 'season' best if you will, last time I managed this weight my 5's finished on 115KG. I do have a rib slightly out of place on the left side about 4 down, doesn't cause problems but I really do need to get it reseated. My form feels good but not as powerful as it has done, I struggle to get the squeeze I once did. I had already squatted before bench.
Squats finished at 145KG x 5 x 3 which is around the same as the last pair of cycles of HST and 5KG heavier than the second most recent cycle. A lot lot more comfortable with my form.
I hit a reps PB of 180KG x 2 (no belt), with good depth, the second rep was a bit disjointed in that I sat back slightly over my left glute more so than my right.
I did get 182.5KG up too for a single, again in similar fashion.
I haven't actually trained my deadlift since the end of 2011? until the last 6 weeks or so. I have done the occasional couple of singles but nothing regular other than SLDL's (which I struggle slightly with for deep hammy activation).
Double overhand, strapped (need dem grip gainz) - no belt, 180KG reasonably comfortably, my hamstrings are a little dormant and am relearning the mechanics of the lift too. My old PB of 205KG double overhand, no belt, straps is in my sights
So tl:dr
Bench: 135KG Squat: 182.5KG (PB) Deadlift: 180KG BW:95KG (Bat Fastard

) Total: 497.5KG
Should be coasting towards 550KG total in no time