2013 Powerlifting Totals

Especially after having spoken to the a chap in college that went to compete in the Irish Opens in my old weight devision and did really well, he was aiming for a record apparently.
His lifts were BW 69kg 100---170---200.

He only needed to deadlift 160k to even qualify because he was under 70kg in bodyweight.
Immense strict press Morba!

I was over the moon with it, but then realisation hit me that my push press is pathetic. The other 3 I train with, 2 of them strict about 15-20kg less than me but put 10kg more overhead by PP. The other person stricts about the same as me but puts 20kg more than me above with PP.

That needs to change clearly, if I could add 30kg to my strict by push press then I'd have a bloody decent overhead!!
technique and patella tendonitis. When my legs work, my push press looks easy. When they don't, some day the small dip is a killer on my knees, it looks like I dip then come back up but do not connect the press at all, so its near on strict lol.

I can't do a double dip to get back under as that would be a 2nd small dip putting pressure on my knees.

What I find works the best is lots of lower weight warmup stuff, but then too much takes it out of me for when trying to go heavier.

Tricep wise I'm getting strong enough to be able to press out 125-130kg should I actually get it above my head to the point my tri's kick in. It's just getting it there that is the problem.

So yeah, technique, technique, technique is what would make it better.

Confidence definitely has a part in it too. With a squat or a dead you can bail the lift pretty easy without much fear of hurting yourself. Over head though, its a bloody big weight over your head that can cause you lots of problems lol. That will be sorted with just keeping progressing though :)

Oh, also once I pass 110kg I need to start continental cleaning the bar up, that takes a lot out of me which again impacts the energy to press. I'm combatting that by doing overly heavy cleans to get my body used to cleaning 120/130kg so that when the time comes to try and press it I'll still have plenty of energy :)
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I can imagine that being a massive issue - any rehab work on the patella you can do or have been doing? Funny how it doesn't affect squats but it does this - maybe because you're more upright?
Push-jerking is gash, anyway. :)

Easy for me to say, but I'd train down and around the problem: drop back to the weight you know you can explode, and then work the weights up from their.

But I only train in the 'speed' range nowadays and do no 1RM or even 3RM (haven't done any of that since before Christmas). One of the things I understand is done by one of the Chinese weightlifting coaches is not 1/3RM training for their lifters, but the max weight they can lift FAST. That keeps the speed in their movement and pattern.

As I said: easy for me to say, but I appreciate how frustrating limits like the above can be.
I would like to put forward a suggestion to be added to the table.

Its always intrigued me to know how old people are when they achieve there current lifts and how long they have been training for, it just adds an extra level of depth/competition to the table I think.

If this gets a posative response i am happy to create a spreadsheet to make Monkee's updating life easier, i can also create tabs and calculations for the other tables, including wilks as well.
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