2013 Powerlifting Totals

Updated. Do you even routine? Or do you just turn up every day trying to add 10kg to your max? :p

That 160 was a grinder, as I'm new to it, I was kind of testing the waters every week to actually find what my PB was. I won't be going for 170+ for a while don't worry. Gonna slow down and work on form + bar speed now.
Monkee, can you update my life time PB numbers with my current squat and deadlift numbers :)
Can you stick me in the Lifetime PB Table too? If I have earned my place of course.

BennyC ------------ 135 / 182.5 / 205(s) -------------- [92] ---- 522.5

From memory I was around 92KG, on average, when I acheived these.

Thanks Darling.
Of course you have! Good you are back seeking to improve :D

You guyyyys!

You're not far off your all time PBs looking at the OP, nice one :)

Aye, got them in my sights. New squat PB this year and should hopefully break a 3 plate bench in the next month or two. Just need to sort my deadlift form out and I'll be on for a winner, hopefully without staps. Dat dere grip. :cool:

Exercise rotation (Doggcrapp) seems to be working well. Quite considerable improvement over flat bench from two weeks ago. Rest pause sets, first set & reps jumped from 95 x 8 to 97.5 x 11. Hopefully I'll see increases like that across the board, perhaps not that quickly though.
Add me please.
Bench / Squat / Deadlift

130 / 145 (b) / 190 (b) ------ [Body Weight 94] ---- 465

FreeFaller, finally you got beaten....

My aim this year to break 155Kg Legs x5 reps; 200Kg dead lift x 5 reps

going the natural way is ****ing hard. no supplements.

I think my plateau in strength is reached now since i can't progress over the above figures for the last 3 months. next step is to take supplements in order to break those numbers.

I wonder what #1 to #5 people take? steroids?
Add me please.
Bench / Squat / Deadlift

130 / 145 (b) / 190 (b) ------ [Body Weight 94] ---- 465

FreeFaller, finally you got beaten....

My aim this year to break 155Kg Legs x5 reps; 200Kg dead lift x 5 reps

going the natural way is ****ing hard. no supplements.

I think my plateau in strength is reached now since i can't progress over the above figures for the last 3 months. next step is to take supplements in order to break those numbers.

I wonder what #1 to #5 people take? steroids?

Post up a log with your diet and training, if there's anything that can be tweaked we can suggest it. Supplements aren't magically going to help you break plateaus, and they don't make you unnatural.

Myself, Dom and Ice are natural and compete in drug free federations. UE is juiced up the eyeballs and Morba is a natural bear.

Also FF hasn't done any maxes this year, so keep working on it :)
Add me please.
Bench / Squat / Deadlift

130 / 145 (b) / 190 (b) ------ [Body Weight 94] ---- 465

FreeFaller, finally you got beaten....

Freefaller --------- 160 / 200 / 240 -------------- [98] ---- 600


Time to break out the whey if you really want to progress. No point being natty in the powerlifting game. Just dont take hydrolysed whey, that **** is potent as ****
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