2013 Powerlifting Totals

I can imagine that being a massive issue - any rehab work on the patella you can do or have been doing? Funny how it doesn't affect squats but it does this - maybe because you're more upright?

Full ROM for squats actually makes it better. Its the smaller movements that cause the pain where constant tension is kept on the tendon. Think of it as a partial partial squat. We all know that breaking parallel is better for you knees, this is the reason why :D

degradation over the years and tightness of the surrounding muscles are the main cause, being 120kg+ for a long time doesnt help things either for sure!

I roll all of my legs (ITB specifically) each night as well as stretches for quads, hams, glutes and hips. Also do some prehab band work pre workout just to get things moving right.
Push-jerking is gash, anyway. :)

Easy for me to say, but I'd train down and around the problem: drop back to the weight you know you can explode, and then work the weights up from their.

But I only train in the 'speed' range nowadays and do no 1RM or even 3RM (haven't done any of that since before Christmas). One of the things I understand is done by one of the Chinese weightlifting coaches is not 1/3RM training for their lifters, but the max weight they can lift FAST. That keeps the speed in their movement and pattern.

As I said: easy for me to say, but I appreciate how frustrating limits like the above can be.

Yeah, thats why I do a lot more strict work at the moment, to stop it flaring up too much. Problem is that even 60kg push press, starts to hurt.
If this does get added i am going to push for shakes per day, and protein from whey as % of overall diet!
Also might need to know number of girlfriends and regularity of bedroom olympics as these could show increased levels of test, and improved gainz. Obviously we would need an exclusions section for our naughty lads.
I take a pre-workout and use smelling salts, so I'll need to be in a separate table.
Yeah, thats why I do a lot more strict work at the moment, to stop it flaring up too much. Problem is that even 60kg push press, starts to hurt.

Ouch! :eek:

Can you make the movement more hip/glute dominant? Reason I ask is I was lectured by my coach for just 'jumping' as part of a jerk, and he pointed out I was too knee-drive dominant... no idea if this is relevant to your situation and condition, mind, but just something that was suggested to me.
Full ROM for squats actually makes it better. Its the smaller movements that cause the pain where constant tension is kept on the tendon. Think of it as a partial partial squat. We all know that breaking parallel is better for you knees, this is the reason why :D

degradation over the years and tightness of the surrounding muscles are the main cause, being 120kg+ for a long time doesnt help things either for sure!

I roll all of my legs (ITB specifically) each night as well as stretches for quads, hams, glutes and hips. Also do some prehab band work pre workout just to get things moving right.
Do you make sure that your knees track outside of the line of your big toe? Knees out isn't just for squatting ;)
Ouch! :eek:

Can you make the movement more hip/glute dominant? Reason I ask is I was lectured by my coach for just 'jumping' as part of a jerk, and he pointed out I was too knee-drive dominant... no idea if this is relevant to your situation and condition, mind, but just something that was suggested to me.

Tbh I don't know, this is where ive mentioned having some specific coaching as I'd bet there are little tweaks that could make the world of difference :)
Do you make sure that your knees track outside of the line of your big toe? Knees out isn't just for squatting ;)

I try to, but as above it could be something that needs a bit more push, or a change to width of stance. Something that would be easily picked up after a fair few reps in front of someone with a proper way of breaking my lift down and rebuilding it :)
After a hard axle clean it wouldn't surprise me if they don't track!
Without seeing you lift, it's my best guess. Have you tried oly shoes?

Try some form work with 60kg and keep your knees out. If this is the problem, I'd strongly suggest loads of glute strengthening and knee stability work.
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