2013 Powerlifting Totals

Well at those weights - hell yeah.

I can't lie though. I dabble in the occasional whey and BCAAs. :o

I feel so dirty admitting that.

Just proves that being natural can achieve immense things - good on you Muzy!
You see Muzy, when we use ******* combined with **** you get the results the top 5 are getting.
Nope, we use whey, creatine and coconut oil.

OMG! I feel lied to and cheated on! :mad: Justice will be had.

Just checking the top 5 again I realise all but one is natty. We know it matters not where anyone ranks though, natty or not. Look at N19h7m4r3 for example, we know that guy is a beast uninjured. It's like caring too much what other people are lifting when in the gym :D
Add me please.
Bench / Squat / Deadlift

130 / 145 (b) / 190 (b) ------ [Body Weight 94] ---- 465

FreeFaller, finally you got beaten....

My aim this year to break 155Kg Legs x5 reps; 200Kg dead lift x 5 reps

going the natural way is ****ing hard. no supplements.

I think my plateau in strength is reached now since i can't progress over the above figures for the last 3 months. next step is to take supplements in order to break those numbers.

I wonder what #1 to #5 people take? steroids?

This is a joke, right?
A plateau in strength is because of your training, or sleeping, or diet. Not supplements or gear.

And lol at assuming anyone stronger than you must be on gear haha :D
I think your being a bit over the top Muzy, no offence your lifts are good.

But I'm not far off you on squats and deads, ok my bench is well far off but I'm a noob. You have a long way to go before you will ever be better than FF.
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