Diamond is the word you are looking for
That's the one
Not quite sure why they did it tbh. When I first saw a game on the baseball pitch I figured it was a whole boston red sox/liverpool owner publicity tie in.
But I realise the MLS season is underway and they don't want to over use what pitches they have so it's somewhat understandable and considering they aren't football pitches they haven't done a terrible job.
Pretty large number of teams trying to run preseason over there during the normal season. Though, NFL isn't on right now is it, Jets/Giants stadiums would have made more sense probably?
Arsenal's preseason is a joke this year. Wenger complaining about the game in new york, the training in Austria... we didn't have to train in Austria, we didn't have to do a single game in America, just train in america like everyone else and have 4 games there, one lot of travelling. Stop playing Barnet/boreham wood type teams every preseason, it's a waste.
Most teams are now travelling one large distance once, then doing their whole preseason somewhere with multiple games, then going home. Arsenal are bouncing around everywhere, getting no real games. Boreham wood.... useless, New York, we lost, crap game, didn't take a full team and played against an in season team that didn't want to play too hard. Now a rubbish preseason tournament that by design limits game time and forces players to play on consecutive games, increasing injury risk. Complete joke frankly.
Utd's first game was against an in season team, every one since has been basically very strong teams also in preseason.