2016 : A Pivotal Year For AMD, Nvidia, PC Gaming And VR

I think some people just aren't quite correctly 'imagining' what it's actually like. Like, they just picture a screen in front of your face close up or something.

Evangalists like yourself see nothing but positives.

Some of us can see negatives too. Some of us just don't think it will completely replace existing technology for all applications like you want it to.

Like your example of Google Streetview. It is my prediction that after VR launches, the majority of people using Streetview will continue to use it on a monitor.

VR offers total immersion, but not every application needs total immersion, nor is it desirable to completely remove yourself from the real world to use those applications.

Unless you live on your own and don't care about anything going on around you, putting on a VR headset is not going to be desirable in every situation.

Anyway, since I'm dead on the inside according to LambChop, I'll go crawl back into my coffin and ignore this thread from now on.
Evangalists like yourself see nothing but positives.

Some of us can see negatives too. Some of us just don't think it will completely replace existing technology for all applications like you want it to.

Like your example of Google Streetview. It is my prediction that after VR launches, the majority of people using Streetview will continue to use it on a monitor.

VR offers total immersion, but not every application needs total immersion, nor is it desirable to completely remove yourself from the real world to use those applications.

Unless you live on your own and don't care about anything going on around you, putting on a VR headset is not going to be desirable in every situation.

Anyway, since I'm dead on the inside according to LambChop, I'll go crawl back into my coffin and ignore this thread from now on.

There's still time, let me grab my defrib :D
Evangalists like yourself see nothing but positives.
Not true at all man. I've gotten into all kinds of lengthy discussions about the problems or potentials problems facing VR. It's not perfect technology by any means, but I firmly believe with every fiber of my being that the positives outweigh the negatives by a large margin.

It really is dream technology, flaws and all.

Some of us can see negatives too. Some of us just don't think it will completely replace existing technology for all applications like you want it to.
I've never said anything of the sort. Complete strawman. In fact, if it wasn't you(though I think it was), somebody else tried to make that same argument in this forum not too long ago, accusing me of the same thing when it's just not true at all.

As I said then, TV did not replace radio and VR will not replace TV(just as a general example). It's a new medium, not a replacement for an existing one.

I do think it will have more practical and entertainment uses than people realize, though.

Like your example of Google Streetview. It is my prediction that after VR launches, the majority of people using Streetview will continue to use it on a monitor.

VR offers total immersion, but not every application needs total immersion, nor is it desirable to completely remove yourself from the real world to use those applications.

Unless you live on your own and don't care about anything going on around you, putting on a VR headset is not going to be desirable in every situation.

Anyway, since I'm dead on the inside according to LambChop, I'll go crawl back into my coffin and ignore this thread from now on.
Streetview is exactly the kind of app that would excel with total immersion, though. The entire point of it is to get a feel for what it's like a particular location. It's the type of application where 2d limits what it's trying to do.

It needs more than the 2d 360 photos it has right now, though. Stereoscopic 360 photos are something I definitely see being quite popular in the future once the camera tech comes around to do it properly and affordably(which will happen sooner or later).

Like I said, I dont think VR needs to be in everything. I dont think many people are saying that, in fact. I'm quite sure I've told you all this before, but I see none of that sunk in and you've stuck with the same old strawmans anyways. Feel free to ignore these threads in the future if all you're going to bring in is disingenuous negativity, but I really wish you'd at least *hear* what I'm saying. I dont expect you to trust me at my word and change your mind immediately, but try and at least be open to what it might bring. I really hope once consumer headsets come out, you get to try one and at least get a glimpse of what it is VR actually does, because I'm not sure you're entirely getting the full picture of what it brings to the table.
Its not about replacing our current way of viewing things. It is about introducing new way to game. Games are currently catered to be played on monitors. Proper VR opens up a world a possibilities that you cannot accomplish on a monitor.

You are stuck on the idea that people who support OR want to replace monitors but its more that we want something to liven up and shake the gaming world. Something new and innovative with a fresh different feel of game play rather than another fps/hacknslash/option select RPG. Horror games can take advantage of the aspects of VR to add a psychological scare which is much harder to achieve on a monitor. RPGs can be catered to feel like you are experience and playing the role of the hero rather than just commanding his actions.

There are loads of possibilities out there for VR and i cant name them because they do not exist yet. We need OR and Vive to be adopted for devs to be encouraged to invest time and effort into it.

No one is so optimistic that we think it will be the next playstation on release but it will certainly be gamechanging if it gets support and will only develop if people show it sufficient interest. Given the response from many solo amateur game makers who have bought the dev kits, i am hopeful that if a big developer were to invest resources into making games catered for VR, then the result could be spectacular.

Not everyone has to agree with my opinion but posting 'Dont care' posts in a thread about discussing upcoming VR development does not provoke any worthwhile discussion from the nay sayers or the optimists.

Still think VR porn will sell em helmets :)

Having previewed an amateur attempt at a VR porn simulation (for research and curiosity purposes ;)) I will say there definitely is room for a market of its own in that industry.

I also believe there is not only room for both OR and Vive but it would be best for them to keep competing until one comes out the clear winner and enough advancements have been made to market it to the average consumer. Vive has its own advantages but at the moment i feel that the incredibly easy implementing of VR in existing games as well as future games is the OR biggest feature it has over Vive.
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Well they have apparently made a major breakthrough, what that is though could be anything as the technology is so new, anything could be a "breakthrough"

expect breakthrough new headsets every six months until in 5 years time they worth buying ;). going to be expensive times for people eating up the hype
I predict that the original price estimate of $199.99 was underestimated and that small upgrades to improve the rift for consumer release has upped the cost of production to make this price not worth selling at.

As for comments about early adopters wasting money...lol

This GPU forums is full of people who sink 4-600 in a single GPU every year just to scratch that upgrade itch. £200-300 is not that much for a different way to experience games if there will be the content available. I personally think that this is a more worthwhile buy over a few extra frames when you already have last years flagship. I believe estimates are currently at around the current price of dev kits, perhaps more.
I really don't understand the mentality of people who want this to be "all or nothing". I can only imagine it must be some form of mild autism or aspergers.
Eh, that's not fair. As adaptable as we are as humans, change often causes ripples that not everybody is immediately comfortable with. Especially those who dont understand and aren't keeping up.

Still think VR porn will sell em helmets :)
Absolutely. VR porn, even as basic as it is right now, is pretty powerful stuff.

Its not about replacing our current way of viewing things. It is about introducing new way to game. Games are currently catered to be played on monitors. Proper VR opens up a world a possibilities that you cannot accomplish on a monitor.

You are stuck on the idea that people who support OR want to replace monitors but its more that we want something to liven up and shake the gaming world. Something new and innovative with a fresh different feel of game play rather than another fps/hacknslash/option select RPG. Horror games can take advantage of the aspects of VR to add a psychological scare which is much harder to achieve on a monitor. RPGs can be catered to feel like you are experience and playing the role of the hero rather than just commanding his actions.

There are loads of possibilities out there for VR and i cant name them because they do not exist yet. We need OR and Vive to be adopted for devs to be encouraged to invest time and effort into it.

No one is so optimistic that we think it will be the next playstation on release but it will certainly be gamechanging if it gets support and will only develop if people show it sufficient interest. Given the response from many solo amateur game makers who have bought the dev kits, i am hopeful that if a big developer were to invest resources into making games catered for VR, then the result could be spectacular.

Not everyone has to agree with my opinion but posting 'Dont care' posts in a thread about discussing upcoming VR development does not provoke any worthwhile discussion from the nay sayers or the optimists.
Well said.

VR offers gamers the opportunity to have something truly new and revolutionary. It is extremely exciting to have such a shake-up, in my opinion.

expect breakthrough new headsets every six months until in 5 years time they worth buying ;). going to be expensive times for people eating up the hype
Yes it is. Dont know about 6 months, but I totally expect 1-2 year lifetimes for PC headsets before something new and better comes out.

I'm usually a fairly cheap person by nature, but this is one venture I'm very glad to sink my money into.

What's the recommended space needed for Vive?

My gaming room/home cinema doesn't accommodate much free space around me and i don't want to pick one which will be limited by my available space.
Ohhh well, I hope anyone interested can skip the garbage posts in here and look at VR objectively. Poor show Andy, poor show.
Very much a win for Oculus currently they both announced at the same time and Oculus giving free Rifts to the original backers totally overshadows HTC's camera system.

It doesnt, else I'd buy an Oculus. While the thousands of people that backed the kickstarter will be in their glory, it risks ****ing the DK2'ers off for example and making a few people annoyed in the process.

People will want to play games with their VR and having nearly 200 steam games to play on the Vive is a huge selling point, I'm not sure the Rift can play all the steamVR games ?
Massive news today from Oculus.


Anyone who backed their kickstarter campaign for the DK1 will be getting a FREE kickstarter edition Rift. That's a potential 100k+ Rifts out in the wild within a few months.

Kudos to them for this and good news indeed for the backers.

Just read the Vive news and something very interesting indeed. Lots of potential with cameras and I can see some great potential with that. Imagine looking at your room through the goggles and an alien coming through the door lol. I am still going with the Rift but will be keeping an eye on the Vive.
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