This Ramadan, I tried something new. I tried extended fasts on the basis that I was losing too much sleep to wake and prepare food prior to prayers.
This meant I was usually eating 1-2 meals and training about 20 hours into a fast without any liquids. I found it incredibly tough as I felt quite tired and lethargic but I doubled 190KG and worked up to a daily max of around 185KG most of Ramadan.
Edit: Doh, this was supposed to be in my log but still constitutes my Double PR this year
This meant I was usually eating 1-2 meals and training about 20 hours into a fast without any liquids. I found it incredibly tough as I felt quite tired and lethargic but I doubled 190KG and worked up to a daily max of around 185KG most of Ramadan.
Edit: Doh, this was supposed to be in my log but still constitutes my Double PR this year
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