***2019 powerlifting totals***

This Ramadan, I tried something new. I tried extended fasts on the basis that I was losing too much sleep to wake and prepare food prior to prayers.

This meant I was usually eating 1-2 meals and training about 20 hours into a fast without any liquids. I found it incredibly tough as I felt quite tired and lethargic but I doubled 190KG and worked up to a daily max of around 185KG most of Ramadan.

Edit: Doh, this was supposed to be in my log but still constitutes my Double PR this year
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Kaptainmarc ----------------- 170 / 105 / 212.5(S) -------------- [100] --------- 487.5

worked to a heavy squat last night, the weekend involved a heavy session and im still very much feeling it so quite happy to equal my PB of last year with what felt like abit more in the tank

Kaptainmarc ----------------- 180 / 105 / 212.5(S) -------------- [100] --------- 497.5
So I finally got the 600 total

  • Baxter --------------- 210 / 150 / 240 ------------------ [107] --------- 600
Will be trying for a 250 deadlift again in 10 days.

The wilks scores being added is really interesting.
Jesus I have slacked massively at gym since I got a new job, and have only been about 3 or 4 times in 2 months... Im almost scared to go to the gym now cause I just know im going to be so weak compared to what I was at my peak :P
So I finally got the 600 total

  • Baxter --------------- 210 / 150 / 240 ------------------ [107] --------- 600
Will be trying for a 250 deadlift again in 10 days.

The wilks scores being added is really interesting.

Great stuff. I’m currently building my bench and squat, but deadlift has stalled slightly. Have also trimmed 3kg, but have kept most of my strength. Bulking again next week and PB attempts over the next 2-3 months.
So I finally got the 600 total

  • Baxter --------------- 210 / 150 / 240 ------------------ [107] --------- 600
Will be trying for a 250 deadlift again in 10 days.

The wilks scores being added is really interesting.

Got it!

Baxter --------------- 210 / 150 / 250 ------------------ [107] --------- 610

I'm going to spend the next 4-6 weeks consolidating those numbers, no more PR's for a while.
Captainrave ----------------- 180 / 145 / 247.5 -------------- [89] --------- 572.5

Captainrave ----------------- 180 / 147.5 / 245 -------------- [87] --------- 572.5

As happens most summers, due to the heat reducing my appetite, being relaxed and off work for 9 weeks, less access to lots of cooked breakfasts and lunches I have trimmed down slightly. Funnily enough this summer in addition to losing overall body fat my main lift and accessory lift numbers would suggest that I have relocated some muscle from my back to my front :p

I have started the winter bulk this week and am already feeling better with my lifts.
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