2022 mini-budget discussion

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Having engaged with a few people here who are supportive of this mini-budget, I think I've come to a conclusion.

Some people don't really have an interest in truth, fact or whether a policy is good or bad in of itself.

Some people don't really care about the impact something may or may not have on them or anyone else.

Some people don't really want to spend the time or effort to be objective about anything, be it this budget or anything political at all really.

Instead, they treat all of this as though it's a football match... "Blue team good, red team bad" - It really is that simple.

The Conservative Party could have come out with absolutely anything and they would support it; I think because they've allowed all of this to become a significant part of their identity.

If the Tories were to U-turn tomorrow, they would support that too, and if Liz Truss was swapped out with another Tory, they would support them whatever they come out with also, even if it completely contradicts something that they've supported previously.

We probably all know people like this in real life and there's certainly no shortage of them here. But I think that something has them rattled this time.

The Conservative Party's mask has slipped with this budget, and these individuals have noticed that people who have historically aligned with them on many social subjects are all of a sudden furious at what the Tories are doing to the country and its economy.

I suspect that explains why some people here are so desperate to inject social wedge issues and other topics into this thread, and are trying their hardest to avoid actually examining the implications of what the Tories are doing.

Like I said, because I suspect that they realise the Conservative Party's tenure is very likely to be coming to an end soon, and I think it genuinely has them rattled.
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Has anyone on here actually bet on shorting a currency? How do you work out the odds? What do you get taxed on any winnings? It all sounded the preserve of the mega rich, shrouded in mystery and red tape, but a cursory glance suggests anyone can have a play. Whilst presumably not as simple as walking into a bookies, just what is involved, and has anyone had any success?
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You know when some men get a sexual thrill when a dominant woman kicks them in the balls and whips them. What's it called?? I can't remember

anyway, Liz Truss is kinda doing that with our finances. She's a powerful woman, ruining mens lives. I'm not saying she's attractive or anything, I mean she's not as bad as Thatcher, but it's a little erotic in a way, isn't it?

oh no, hang on. I'm trying to link what I've said to a funny radio phone in and it won't work. I'm sounding like a right weirdo.
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I don't believe the deliberate short thing is feasible, it's just another example of how our society links unintended consequence into conspiracy.

this is probably true, but with level, frequency and volume of the lies everyone has had to endure from this Tory government over 12 years makes people stop and think , yeah that sounds feasible.
You know when some men get a sexual thrill when a dominant woman kicks them in the balls and whips them. What's it called?? I can't remember

anyway, Liz Truss is kinda doing that with our finances. She's a powerful woman, ruining mens lives. I'm not saying she's attractive or anything, I mean she's not as bad as Thatcher, but it's a little erotic in a way, isn't it?

she is a full on munter
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You know when some men get a sexual thrill when a dominant woman kicks them in the balls and whips them. What's it called?? I can't remember

anyway, Liz Truss is kinda doing that with our finances. She's a powerful woman, ruining mens lives. I'm not saying she's attractive or anything, I mean she's not as bad as Thatcher, but it's a little erotic in a way, isn't it?

oh no, hang on. I'm trying to link what I've said to a funny radio phone in and it won't work. I'm sounding like a right weirdo.

Can we get a hard drive check over here please!
I'm not surprised with trying to accommodate around 8000 irregular migrants being brought ashore every week. (There's my migrant bit someone was missing earlier) ;)
Ironically they get paid to take on unhoused immigrants, I expect councils use this top up funding shortfalls.

Another immigrants are to blame post.
If the Tories were to U-turn tomorrow, they would support that too, and if Liz Truss was swapped out with another Tory, they would support them whatever they come out with also, even if it completely contradicts something that they've supported previously.

Well, at least with Liz 'political consistency' Truss at the helm, we may yet get to see such a U-Turn. She'll probably announce we're re-joining the EU or implementing a full open border policy next week :p
I don't believe the deliberate short thing is feasible, it's just another example of how our society links unintended consequence into conspiracy.
Why on earth else do you think they shorted the pound at that point?
Just on the off chance something mad would happen?
Oh look, it did. The chap who caused it happened to work and is paid by them.
I certainly did see it coming, check my previous posts where I told people on these very forums to be careful what they wish for in wanting to get rid of Boris Johnson, but their seething hatred presumably blinded them to the probability of a more Right leaning PM taking his place. Boris was a Liberal, but obviously not Liberal enough. We are where we are, (and thanks for helping put us there, Boris haters!) :)

I didnt hate Boris, I hated that he was a liar and a bumbling idiot and got all the big calls wrong. I worked on the basis that there couldnt possibly be a bigger idiot in the party than him. I called that wrong.
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I dicnt hate Boris, I hated that he was a liar and a bumbling idiot and got all the big calls wrong. I worked on the basis that there couldnt possibly be a bigger idiot in the party than him. I called that wrong.

Yeah, I thought it couldn't possibly get worse, after Johnson.

At least now i know anything is possible...
Has anyone on here actually bet on shorting a currency? How do you work out the odds? What do you get taxed on any winnings? It all sounded the preserve of the mega rich, shrouded in mystery and red tape, but a cursory glance suggests anyone can have a play. Whilst presumably not as simple as walking into a bookies, just what is involved, and has anyone had any success?

It basically is about as simple as walking into a bookie - there are literally online bookies called spread betting firms that will allow you to place bets on the price of FX or other financial instruments and commodities.

It's not "fixed odds" betting, it's called "spread betting" you don't get odds rather you get a two-way quote and you can buy or sell vs that two-way quote, wagering a certain amount per point... if you sell at say £5 a point and the currency pair falls 50 points your bet wins £250.

There are also FX "brokers", as far as the customer is concerned they operate the same sort of model though it's not classed as a bet - slight tax difference in that it's potentially liable for CGT on your side and they're not liable for a betting tax on their side.

Essentially both are modern variations of the US "bucket shops" which are now illegal at least for stock trading in the USA, essentially the trades never reach a real market but are "bucketed" by the bookie/broker and they take the other side of the bet/trade:

There are also "real" marketplaces; ECNs and FX futures that can be accessed via (real) brokers though these are not really aimed at retail traders.

I dicnt hate Boris, I hated that he was a liar and a bumbling idiot and got all the big calls wrong. I worked on the basis that there couldnt possibly be a bigger idiot in the party than him. I called that wrong.

I find this sort of view a bit odd, it's like people generally did get so distracted by the more superficial stories re: whether something was a work event or a party etc.. I mean Liz didn't make any of this stuff secret prior to getting the leadership position.
I certainly did see it coming, check my previous posts where I told people on these very forums to be careful what they wish for in wanting to get rid of Boris Johnson, but their seething hatred presumably blinded them to the probability of a more Right leaning PM taking his place. Boris was a Liberal, but obviously not Liberal enough. We are where we are, (and thanks for helping put us there, Boris haters!) :)

Why do you hate the Queen so much as to shill for the man who told bare faced lies to her face?
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