2023 - how's it been for you?

It’s been a **** year to be honest. Didn’t really get a summer as the jet stream decided to LOL at the UK, then the cost of living crisis has really got out of hand.

Also there have been loads of bad earthquakes globally this year. What is going on there?
Berlin twice, Turkey once. Got a £7k payrise when I moved to another contract which really helped soften the sting of all the bills. I'm adding another £3k to that from January so I can't really complain. Moving in to our new place in a week, leaving London for the first time. Can't wait for that.

Had to do some horrible things, like fire someone for smoking in a plantroom - he's 62 years old and one of the kindest souls you could meet, he'd been in the job 27 years. Probably one of the most horrible things I've ever had to do.
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It’s been good I suppose. Career progress, have lost 3 and a half stone, some personal growth but also set against navigating some challenging issues… dealt with reasonably well thanks to the benefit of support and good companionship.

Feel pretty good heading into 2024 and I can’t ask for more than that :)
It's not been a good year for me. Health-wise I've had gout, shingles, and prostate issues (get a PSA check!). The SNP and Tories and the local council making a right mess of everything.

I'm still upright and looking forward to 2024.
New job, 10% pay rise. Lovely holidays to Morocco, Greece and France. Watching the toddler really growing up into a little person now. Finally fixed some big issues in the house. Getting on better with wife. Got reasonable sum of inheritance.

All in all pretty good.
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2023 has brought the completion of the family, following the arrival of my second daughter despite some serious challenges along the way. This, along with the eldest now being in school with a delightfully blossoming personality, easily makes it the "best" year ever. I say "best", as I really think ranking years becomes a bit of a pointless endeavour altogether once you have kids. Every moment you feel like you want to lock them in that age forever, as they're "perfect", but the truth is - contrary to logic - the perfection remains regardless.

I look forward to next year being just as best as this one and the one it followed.
It's been good.

My wife is the best person i know, and i'm lucky to have her. She got a well-deserved promotion on thursday.

The kids are mostly a joy and my mum's as well as can be expected at her age.

I changed jobs to do something totally different. That's gone ok, and i took on a fairly big new project a few weeks back, which is going well.

I started jiu jitsu (in my mid 50s) and it's been competitive. I met some interesting new people and got strangled by them. Also back to my pre-covid weight, and gone down one belt hole since starting.

This year I decided to let a friendship wither. I realised i can't rely on him and what i always thought was a devil-may-care attitude is actually just selfishness and negativity- it's taken me about 30 years to realise this.
^^ nice to see some 'good year' posts in the last few posts :-)

It’s been a **** year to be honest. Didn’t really get a summer as the jet stream decided to LOL at the UK, then the cost of living crisis has really got out of hand.

I'm glad that we didn't get much of a summer this year as I hate the heat, even if it's only a British summer. I certainly don't miss the summers of 2017 and 2018 which were in other ways still decent years.
Not great, lost both my parents but neither had been well for a while so it was a mercy in many ways. Still has made for a very surreal year.

2024 is going to be full midlife crisis, V8 muscle car inbound and lots of trip away on the motorbike. Enjoy life lads while you can.
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