Very few cars seem to feature auto braking/collision avoidance features until you get to the top of the line models from my recent browsing for a new car, at least at the <£30k price bracket. Also most older cars which do have cruise like my 2016 car almost certainly won't have anything like that.I would be surprised if any car with cruise control doesn't have automatic responses to collisions. All the cars I've drive with CC will react to braking for example, also your example is flawed again in that if you hit someone while you have your foot on the accelerator you have to factor in reaction time to remove your foot from the accelerator and move it to the brake pedal. People also suffer from pedal panic as well and when they are doing something wrong many react by pressing what they already have their foot on as that's a quicker more knee jerk reaction then lifting / moving / pressing.
When I'm using cruise I rest my foot on the accelerator because the brake pedal is set too high to comfortably rest my foot on and muscle memory says that in an emergency brake situation I'm going to be used to having my foot on the accelerator and therefore having to move it to the brake. it would require more conscious thought for me to realise my foot is already on the brake YMMV but that's how I use my cruise.