Big fan of the genre, I've seen pretty much every zombie film ever made. Have enjoyed studying film over the last 6-7 years, blah blah.
This film seriously seriously sucks.
This is a very basic rant, but none the less..
Plot holes wider than oceans, and woeful continuity. Amazingly bad acting from the English actors (barring old Begbie, who somehow managed, for a brief second to scrape something together from one of he worst scripts in the history of film.. Honestly, the script is absolutely terrible). Bad casting (the kid?, well, the sister too.. Neither could act). Bad cinematography, questionable camera work (under instruction of the director of course), bad direction (random shaky cam during non-violent establishing shots anyone?). Blah Blah
The fact of the matter is: The script was poor, the direction was woeful, and in comparison to the first film (which I enjoyed very much) the entire thing (plot, characterisation, direction) was tenuous, and took the suspension of disbelief to the extreme, in a very boring and cringe worthy way.
If 45 mins of footage were to be chopped out and he ending completely re-written (the ending which really belittles the whole film and gives it an air of 'middle ground between low budget 1st film and high budget 3rd film') the it might make a decent DVD.
For me the highlights were:
Long grass on wembley pitch.
Some of the LS/MLS special effects (fire etc), CU effects were carp, and skated around very cheaply by constantly using shaky cam as soon as anything 'kicked off'.
The sniper/snippage scene, and use of the word Fubar'd.
The sight of the credits.
And that's it.. I paid £6.50 to see it, and TBH, go see spiderman instead, because this film is a hat full of ass.