28 Weeks Later - May 11th Worldwide

Spoiler free review:

It's good, probably not as good as the first though... Very very gory, to the point of excessiveness in places. Found the characters a bit less sympathetic and deep than '28 Days Later'. Definitely worth seeing in the cinema though for the various jump moments.

Morning all.

Watched this last night on a pretty decent screen in Odeon.

Seriously enjoyed this. From the opening through to the end. A relentless, breathtaking horror joyride. For me it really re-defines the stagnant zombie genre.

To see London and England in this series again is great. The atmosphere of the place is dark and claustrophobic, especially with the presence of the American forces suppressing the situation.

Superbly gorey in places, but still never unneccecary. While some bits were visually strong and brutal, I think it's a bold move that worked. If the director is going to shock me and make my flesh crawl, I want it to be because I'm scared, and I'm actually panicked, and I was.

One thing I found outstanding was the use of sound. The screen we were in had the volume really maxxed out, more than I feel in most films. I think a few people seemed to find it too much, maybe they had put it up a bit too much. But I really enjoyed it. Could feel the throttle of the jets, the blades whipping the air on the chopper scenes. The soundtrack is a great mix that really suits the film. Some scenes are accompanied by a very strong synthetic series of tones that just add to the atmosphere.

I got myself a large americano and supped it through the first quarter of the film, a bit of caffeine definitely helps raise the heartbeat for this one.

Anyway, to summarise - excellent - I need more!

(Edit : I notice a lot of people thinking it was 'ok'. I can't see this myself BUT I do believe a lot of people are going to say this for some reason - I know my girlfriend had exactly the same opinion as some of you, she thought it was ok, but I'd bet she'll never want to bother watching it again)
Big fan of the genre, I've seen pretty much every zombie film ever made. Have enjoyed studying film over the last 6-7 years, blah blah.

This film seriously seriously sucks.

This is a very basic rant, but none the less..
Plot holes wider than oceans, and woeful continuity. Amazingly bad acting from the English actors (barring old Begbie, who somehow managed, for a brief second to scrape something together from one of he worst scripts in the history of film.. Honestly, the script is absolutely terrible). Bad casting (the kid?, well, the sister too.. Neither could act). Bad cinematography, questionable camera work (under instruction of the director of course), bad direction (random shaky cam during non-violent establishing shots anyone?). Blah Blah

The fact of the matter is: The script was poor, the direction was woeful, and in comparison to the first film (which I enjoyed very much) the entire thing (plot, characterisation, direction) was tenuous, and took the suspension of disbelief to the extreme, in a very boring and cringe worthy way.

If 45 mins of footage were to be chopped out and he ending completely re-written (the ending which really belittles the whole film and gives it an air of 'middle ground between low budget 1st film and high budget 3rd film') the it might make a decent DVD.

For me the highlights were:

Long grass on wembley pitch.
Some of the LS/MLS special effects (fire etc), CU effects were carp, and skated around very cheaply by constantly using shaky cam as soon as anything 'kicked off'.
The sniper/snippage scene, and use of the word Fubar'd.
The sight of the credits.

And that's it.. I paid £6.50 to see it, and TBH, go see spiderman instead, because this film is a hat full of ass.
n3crius said:
From the opening through to the end. A relentless, breathtaking horror joyride.


I couldn't disagree more. There was one single scene in the whole thing that I felt did the genre any justice. When the kids have been detained (after the mother has been found) and Carlyle has 'turned'. It's in the scene where Carlyle murders a bunch of people on the way over to the room where the kids have been detained, and then we watch the double doors through the glass that the kids are in, waiting for Carlyle to burst through. For 14-15 seconds I could just picture the director hanging over the shoulder of the editor going "No, Wait..... Wait..... WAaaaaiiitt........ CUT NOW"... BANG!.

And for me that was it. The 30 or so clichéd 'jump' moments did little for me.
benneh said:
And that's it.. I paid £6.50 to see it, and TBH, go see spiderman instead, because this film is a hat full of ass.

Are you serious, I thought Spiderman was extremely poor and enjoyed 28 weeks later much, much more (And i really enjoyed the first 2 Spiderman films).
I reckoned it was brilliant.
A good follow on ... even though there are a few gaffes :)
Other person with me was "ok, not as good as original" !!
I loved it. Gorey, jumpy, claustrophobic. I enjoyed it for what it was, a sequel to a great horror/zombietype flic. Great stuff!
one of the best opening 20 minutes in a film - absolutely perfect - a little overkill on the soundtrack but nevertheless an above average film.
Ciba said:
Are you serious, I thought Spiderman was extremely poor and enjoyed 28 weeks later much, much more (And i really enjoyed the first 2 Spiderman films).

Sorry I think I put the wrong message across. I haven't actually seen the new spidey flick, but I was faced with the choice last night and I chose 28 weeks. I regret that.

I don't understand how anyone can see this as being anywhere half decent. I know that we all have opinions and each is unique and so on, but jesus, technically, that was a bad bad film. I don't know how I sat through it!, I actually nearly left when Perrineau somehow managed to fly a helicopter 5ft off the ground, clean through (and chop to bits) a group of at least 20 zombies, and then fly off.... For christs sake, the beauty of the original, and of the genre, is that the threat is supposed to be conceivable, that one day this could actually happen.. Nothing about this film was believable, and so the illusion is blown apart. 10,000 zombies and a lot of semi-scary 'jumpy' moments does not make a good film.

00bob00 said:
one of the best opening 20 minutes in a film - absolutely perfect - a little overkill on the soundtrack but nevertheless an above average film.

That's the first time I've ever heard Godspeed described as overkill :eek:.
I watched this at a special screening (a digital marketing agency shares the same office floor as us - they get all sorts of cool stuff)

benneh said:
That's the first time I've ever heard Godspeed described as overkill :eek:.

sorry should have been more specific, i meant the overzealous use of in the house in a heartbeat - once in the beginning, once in the middle and at the end again.

i think they took elements of what made the first one good (the soundtrack, eye gouging etc) and tried to put it into the second. I agree it wasn't believable but nor was the first one - rage infected monkeys HELLO?
00bob00 said:
sorry should have been more specific, i meant the overzealous use of in the house in a heartbeat - once in the beginning, once in the middle and at the end again. <snip> rage infected monkeys HELLO?

Ahh, I agree with you there, they really overdid the John Murphy. And lol tis true, it was never believable, but at least before you kind of left the cinema thinking "I wonder what I'd do if that happened..", Whereas now that's impossible, because the film lacked creditability (from scene to scene, let alone in its entirety) . It's funny you mentioned the monkey too, because I just remembered, when the American medical woman's discussing the 'RAGE' virus with the army commander guy she states that it can't be passed between species.. So you have to ask, how the hell did it get from monkey to human in the first place?.
********SPOILERS AHEAD*******

the species thing is EXACTLY what i thought when i thought about the monkeys - such a massive flaw (possibly monkeys and humans share similar DNA like around 95% or something). You've got to admit though the opening sequence completely grabbed your attention - what would you do in a situation like that? YOU'D DEFINITELY RUN, end the small child - forget about him! I think that was the only time where the use of the john murphy tune was permissable, everything felt like it was hopeless and it was AWESOME!

There were other small things that annoyed me - why would you try and kill a normal person with a gun when they are clearly not infected - what would it matter anyway? they were going to firebomb the whole place anyway - the guy on the roof would have been running to save his own ass. i still thought it was above average, much like spider-man 3.
Didn't really like this, it was promissing but went downhill after the first 30 mins or so, some of the plot holes were ridiculous and i lost most of my interest in it by the hour mark. some slightly original material with the rotor blades scene but quite boring overall.
i liked everything except the actual plot.


Wtf was up with the kids sneaking out of District 1 to their old house?
Wtf was up with Rob Carlyle being a janitor except he had access to even the most high security of locations?
Wtf was up with the infected getting killed by the rifles, yet later you see the infected alive when half their torsos are missing?
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