28 Weeks Later - May 11th Worldwide

00bob00 said:
You've got to admit though the opening sequence completely grabbed your attention - what would you do in a situation like that? YOU'D DEFINITELY RUN

That's true. The shaky cam really ruined it for me though, a very cheap copout I found, and it sort of foregoes cinema direction for contemporary randomness. Apart from that I did like the opening 10 mins.

Phalanx said:
Wtf was up with the kids sneaking out of District 1 to their old house?
Wtf was up with Rob Carlyle being a janitor except he had access to even the most high security of locations?
Wtf was up with the infected getting killed by the rifles, yet later you see the infected alive when half their torsos are missing?

And a hundred others. The true woefulness of this film wont come out until we can watch it on DVD and take it apart at leisure. I have a terrible memory so I forgot most of the badness after 5 mins.
I saw this about 30 mins ago and wow... I thought it was absolute quality. Completely stuck to the tone of the original, the same bleak camerawork, came pant-wettingly scary monsters, and some fantastic acting from Robert.

The opening scene was brilliant for setting the pace, I was hooked from the first minute. There was a point where I saw the americas and thought "I hope they don't turn this into a yank slugfest" but I was happy to see american influence stayed to a minimum, it still felt British to me all the way through.

8/10 from me, I found it riveting, atmospheric, and judging from the rest of the audiences reactions, so did they! :eek:
Went to see this yesterday even though I have'nt actually seen 28 days later.

Jumpy, yes!
Scary, no.

The ending was kinda predictable, but i guess thats what apocolyptic horrors are like. 6/10 in my books.

Possibilities of another installment? 28 months later?


Moviehole.net said:
England hasn't even been re-infected with rage yet, but 28 DAYS LATER director and 28 WEEKS LATER exec producer Danny Boyle is already giving consideration to where those speedy homicidal freaks could travel next.

Boyle was apparently out promoting his deep space flick SUNSHINE (which we don't get in the US until later in the year), and told an Irish radio station that he'd like to see the toxic killers invade a nearby European country known for its cuisine, bike race, and general Frenchness. The potential title would be the logical progression: 28 MONTHS LATER (I assume because 28 FORTNIGHTS LATER doesn't translate globally).
Of course, Boyle could just be twisting our nips with a gag... besides, any possible sequel is really up to Fox Atomic, based on how well the sequel does as it mangles people around the world starting in May.
I watched it yesterday and I thought is was OK but nothing special. Yeah, I hate it when the camera shakes about during the action scenes so you can't really make it what's happening.
I liked it.
It was just a cross between Dawn of the Dead and Resident Evil Apocolypse though.

The only thing I didn't get was why was the dad a lot more "raged" than the rest? He was popping eyeballs and seemed to be hunting down his family etc but I thought they lost all sense of who they were and what they knew?

Also, they're not zombies...
Seen it last night, thought it was quite good but not near as good as the original.

Overly gorey in places, and I thought the young boys acting was rubbish.

If you want a great modern 'horror', go and buy 28 Days Later.
Wembley shouldn't have even been built in this film, totally ruined it for me along with Micheal from Lost, half expected him to be looking for Walt :rolleyes:

Then, there was the usage of the firebombs BEFORE the gas wtf! I'm so glad the Americans made this POS, makes them look as stupid as they most likely are after destroying a very promising story.

If I hadn't seen the original I would have rated the film about 6/10, however after loving the first and wanting this so bad to be as good and maybe better, I'll give a 4/10.
Fubar said:
Wembley shouldn't have even been built in this film.....

And neither should that Real Madrid shirt the boy was wearing. Watched it last night and enjoyed every minute of it, the helicopter part made me laugh.
Phalanx said:
Wtf was up with Rob Carlyle being a janitor except he had access to even the most high security of locations?

really liked this film, glad they didn't use the 'wink' scene from the trailer when the american is pushing the car..

but the super key card was pretty lame :p
Just seen 28 weeks later, I really enjoyed it! Thought it stuck to the original style really well. Loved the start when the music (from the original film) kicked in, though I couldn't help thinking maybe they should have just used it once at the start. Don't get me wrong I love that song, but it didn't needed to be used again and again and again.
I wasn't so sure about the whole some people can get infected but won't turn into 'zombie' thing. I can see why the did it, but it just didn't work for me.
Anyway in the end i personally really enjoyed it, I would give the film an 8/10.

(well, some...)

I agree with benneh. Very mediocre film that was unbelievably cheesey in places and plot holes that were bigger than the sun.

It did have its redeeming points though, in that I didn't ever look at my watch and didn't once get bored. It did have a relentless pace that gave it a certain charm that I didn't expect, though the chopper chopping the zombies was farcical and made me laugh out of embarassment for the film more than anything else.

Lots of people were jumping about in their seats which is fair enough, it was loud and it was quite brutal in places, but it was generally disappointing and nowhere near as scary as I'd hoped.

Also - did anybody else spot that the bodies in the pizza take away had rotted away completely, but the pizza in the boxes looked remarkably fresh 6 months down the line? That stuff must have a half-life similar to plutonium. ;)
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Started off OK I suppose, but after about an hour I got bored really rapidly and had lost all interest by the end, same with my girlfriend. The original was pretty good but this just bored me and I couldn't wait to get out by the end, which is probably the first time it's happened at the cinema, and I go a lot : (.
I am really suprised at all the criticism this film has got in this thread, I saw it last night - it was bloody fantastic!! Sure it has inaccuracies (the pizza still infact after 6 months!) but these are really minor the whole film was gripping and very gritty, one thing I loved about it was there was no let up, it was from one cliffhanger to another. I say its a 100x improvement over the last film.
Chrisp7 said:
I am really suprised at all the criticism this film has got in this thread, I saw it last night - it was bloody fantastic!! Sure it has inaccuracies (the pizza still infact after 6 months!) but these are really minor the whole film was gripping and very gritty, one thing I loved about it was there was no let up, it was from one cliffhanger to another. I say its a 100x improvement over the last film.

I'm surprised too... though I wouldn't say it was a 100x improvement. :p

But it was definately a good film, and deserves the critical acclaim it's been receiving.
Richdog said:
I'm surprised too... though I wouldn't say it was a 100x improvement. :p

But it was definately a good film, and deserves the critical acclaim it's been receiving.

I am little hungover so might have exagerated that a little - maybe 10x :p

Best film of the year, along with Babel for me.

Another thing is the way it was shot - fantastic, all those shot of London empty, being blown up etc they looked incredible (you can obviously the larger budget in comparison to the last film). I am salivating at the prospect of the same treatment in Paris (however it will be very hard not to make it too repetitive - however they did well at this sequel).

ps and what wrong with having Wembley in it? To me the film just makes Britain look good - including the shot of the white cliffs of Dover at the end.

pps do you think the girl is 'legal'? ;) :p
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