28 Weeks Later - May 11th Worldwide

I saw this the other night and thought it was good. But apart from the title and the opening sequence it really didnt have too much to do with the original, in my opinion. It was good to see the story progress, but the reason i liked 28 Days Later was because of the proposed reality of the situation, and the grittiness (low budget). The guy (who Seline kills near the beginning) describing Paddington station in 28 Days Later is 100 times more brutal than anything in 28 Weeks Later.

From the opening sequence in the cottage, where they open the door to the boy and it's actually daylight (i was like 'wow') was brilliant. With Robert Carlyle running off just saying '****! ****! ****!' to himself was just brilliant. I was hooked and at that point was happy they'd kept it realistic. But that part of the film was the only part for me that had anything on the original. It did go downhill from there, but to be fair it was entertaining (if cheesy) throughout, and i was never bored.

Two bits stick out for me as being absolutely dire, that was the (infamous?) helicopter sequence, and the absolutely dreadful subway/night vision bit. Yuck, yuck yuck. :(
Just got back from watching it. I thought it was a fantastically entertaining movie that I would watch again, though on balance the first is better for almost being more low budget and gritty.

The only bit that strayed into 'unbelievable' territory for me was the helicopter mincing the people with the blades. I love the 'in a heartbeat' track but I don't think they should have used it after the first act.

I thought the fire bombing was excellent (especially as I was thinking 'dang, I've actually been there') and the later chemical attack with spooky troops walking out of the mists. The blatant nod to Iraq (green zone anyone?) was pretty good, though everyone is doing that these days. The beginning was the best bit in my opinion and the closest to the first movie, though that doesn't mean the rest of the movie was a let down.

The coda was blatantly setting it up for a trilogy.
Scam said:
I saw this the other night and thought it was good. But apart from the title and the opening sequence it really didnt have too much to do with the original, in my opinion. It was good to see the story progress, but the reason i liked 28 Days Later was because of the proposed reality of the situation, and the grittiness (low budget). The guy (who Seline kills near the beginning) describing Paddington station in 28 Days Later is 100 times more brutal than anything in 28 Weeks Later.

From the opening sequence in the cottage, where they open the door to the boy and it's actually daylight (i was like 'wow') was brilliant. With Robert Carlyle running off just saying '****! ****! ****!' to himself was just brilliant. I was hooked and at that point was happy they'd kept it realistic. But that part of the film was the only part for me that had anything on the original. It did go downhill from there, but to be fair it was entertaining (if cheesy) throughout, and i was never bored.

Two bits stick out for me as being absolutely dire, that was the (infamous?) helicopter sequence, and the absolutely dreadful subway/night vision bit. Yuck, yuck yuck. :(

A superb analysis. Took the words right out of my mouth, Kudos to you. :)

I do have a couple of questions about the last paragraph though. Are you referring to the helicopter sequence where he is dissecting the infected with his rotar blades? If so then I agree - absolutely dire. However, The part regarding the subway/night vision scene; I thought they could have used the suspense created by that scene in a more inventive way, but as a whole, it didn't stand out as a perticularly dire scene.
Oh and with regards to the film itself...

I saw it on release and found it very entertaining. it had me gripped all the way through. my girlfriend too ("I don't want to go. I hate zombie films") who screamed at the first reveal and was on the edge of her seat from there on in.

yes, there are plot holes you could park a trawler in. yes, the shakycam is a copout...but...

...one thing should be known above all...

I would rag imogen poots (awesome name) until her spine snapped. goddamn.

I thought it was a fantastic film, being a big fan of the original I had serious reservations about this sequel. 28days/weeks is up there with The descent, three of the greatest British horror/scary movies.
penski said:
He will always be Augustus Hill to me ;)

It's nice to see his back got better though.


I really enjoyed it, myself. I agree it's got some serious missed opportunities, and all in all it's a bit daft, but then it's a zombie film- complaining about realism seems to miss the point a little. Any time the walking dead are involved, it makes sense to turn the brain down a little. The opening sequence is very, very good, but the rest works together well rather than having many wow moments.

Thought the night vision scenes were nearly great, instead they were just drawn out and repetetive, but did they remind anyone else of Knightmare?
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