29 million Bulgarians and Romanians will gain the right to live and work unrestricted in our country

You would have thought that Labour, the party of the working man, whilst in power would have stood up for the working man.

:rofl: They stopped being the party for the working man around 1985.

The only thing that can be done regarding the predicted Romanian poverty influx is an immediate withdrawal from the EU. That won't happen, therefore there is nothing that can be done. Services will strain, resentment will grow, tabloids will moan, and after a while maybe something interesting will happen across the uk political landscape.

Bulgarian's will be fine the Romanian's well that's a different matter, even the Latvian's on site are worried about the Romanian's coming

It's the Roma that worry me, a criminal enterprise that's already causing chaos in the UK. How bad will it be when there's nothing to stop them entering the country.
More great news for the middle-classes, bad news for the working classes.
Well, more great news for anybody who can exploit cheap labour & drive down pay.

It's a little disingenuous to pretend this will have mostly the left who revel at the thought of this.

No doubt the lefty-Guardian reading types rubbing there hands at the prospect of more cheap labour to pick from whilst branding anyone that speaks up about it as 'racist' or in this case 'xenophobic' (if only Romanians were black eh?).

Come at me bro.


It's one of the major hypocrisies of some left wingers. Claim to support the poor and speak up against 'attacks' on benefits whilst at the same time supporting the EU and limitless immigration which is one of the major reasons the working poor here need those benefits in the first place.
Because it's that simple. :rolleyes:

As mentioned before wealth distribution statistics explain perfectly why we have so many of the working class now living on the breadline - but hey, to blame ethnics, foreigners, people on benefits (ironically), the disabled & "brown people" is easier I guess for the average Brit than looking at the hard data.

Also, I think you will find most "lefty-Guardian reading types" have a degree of empathy for people from all nations - not just those of the same fictional nation state.
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Sadly it will be UKIP for me at the next election :(

Makes no difference. Cameron and Milliband will make a few false promises before the next election and every moron out there will fall for it again. Notice how, halfway through Cameron's term, he now started laying the groundwork for the next election by promising a referendum on the EU AFTER the election. So, vote for him and you get to vote on the EU.

Also, then there's the people who've been voting <insert party here> for generations. They won't change. Can't change, actually.
Well, more great news for anybody who can exploit cheap labour & drive down pay.

It's a little disingenuous to pretend this will have mostly the left who revel at the thought of this.

Well it's mainly the left-wing press that are pro-Europe (including further integration) and attack any kind of caps on immigration.

As mentioned before wealth distribution statistics explain perfectly why we have so many of the working class now living on the breadline - but hey, to blame ethnics, foreigners, people on benefits (ironically), the disabled & "brown people" is easier I guess for the average Brit than looking at the hard data.

And as I've already said I'm not blaming it ALL on immigration and your sarcastic use of "brown people" at me (the obvious implication being that I'm racist) is exactly what I was talking about before.

I'm concerned about the numbers, I couldn't care less what colour the people are.

Also, I think you will find most "lefty-Guardian reading types" have a degree of empathy for people from all nations - not just those of the same fictional nation state.

Fictional? Nation States do actually exist.
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They can already enter and work in the country on a self-employed basis.

But it will be a disaster. When I worked in HR, I had hundreds upon hundreds of applications from Romanians and Bulgarians. They will come in droves, more so than the Polish influx 10 years ago
I have no issue with immigration.


People should be entitled to zero benefits and have to pay for the NHS until they have been a resident for 10 years. This will scare off the scum and scroungers and then decent migrants who want to work and live here are more than welcome IMO.
People should be entitled to zero benefits and have to pay for the NHS until they have been a resident for 10 years. This will scare off the scum and scroungers and then decent migrants who want to work and live here are more than welcome IMO.

Agree or maybe a full valid health insurance or no entry. Insurance must be renewed or you leave.

Along with no benefits what so ever.
Agree or maybe a full valid health insurance or no entry. Insurance must be renewed or you leave.

Along with no benefits what so ever.


I have no issue at all with skilled immigration as we have loads of doke dwelling scum who won't work anyway. But people should not be allowed in solely to freeload, it's disgusting.
I've been unemployed for nearly 6 months, since i graduated & a lot my friends are the in the same boat.
Its so frustrating applying for entry level jobs & not getting them due to huge amount of polish & other immigrates also applying for them. They have cornered the entry level of the job market & more immigrates will only make it worse.

Looks like ill have to join my employed mates & emigrate to Australia or Canada.....
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