29 million Bulgarians and Romanians will gain the right to live and work unrestricted in our country

Maybe this will give people incentive to actually learn a trade. Manual labour will be replaced by robots soon anyhow.

you mean like something in the building trade where pay has been decimated care of polish builders over the past 10 years. got a few friends who have been in the trade for 30+ years and they say the pays gone down to near min wage levels in some places. so even having a trade isnt going to guarantee a good living anymore.
How can the government claim they will bring down numbers to tens of thousands when they open the floodgates? Or was this decision out of their hands?

It was agreed by the previous government if I recall correctly.

Also I'm pretty sure that when they refer to reducing immigration they are talking about immigration from outside the EU, not freedom of travel within the EU. They just use their words carefully so it sounds like they are actually doing something.
I have a Croatian passport..and we will be joining the EU on July 1st. After a quick google I can see the UK have put some restrictions in place for us too. I have indefinite leave to remain so no issues for me here. Although my plan is to find a job somewhere else in the EU after we join, if I can't find anything good here before that. Also to experience a new country :) I hope other countries don't have restrictions though!

The rest are unattractive monsters and then you forget about all the men coming in, they generally arn't that nicey nicey.

Not a fan of Romanians tbh going by past experiences.

Clearly a crack squad of men would be place on border patrol, discriminating and causing outrage as all the uglys get sent back.

Only real issue is waking up one morning, finding your forigen women gone, and you've lost a kidney.
The source also said that the government did not think the rule changes would necessarily bring a big influx of people, since Romanians have closer links to Germany and Italy rather than Britain.

Campaign groups such as MigrationWatch have predicted that 250,000 will come from both countries over the next five years, although these figures are disputed. One Tory MP, Philip Hollobone, has claimed that Romanian and Bulgarian communities will treble to 425,000 within two years.

These figures have been questioned by experts, because they are based upon the numbers of Poles and Czechs who moved to Britain in 2004. Then, only three countries opened their borders. This time, all of the 25 EU states will lift labour market restrictions.


It's people like Energize (if he's being serious) that make me incredibly concerned about any sort of vote on leaving the EU.

There are TWENTY-FIVE countries opening their borders to these two countries.
There are TWENTY-FIVE countries opening their borders to these two countries.

Yeah but there hardly likely to move to Greece or Spain at the moment are they?

Immigrants don't put a list of potential countries with open borders into a hat and pluck one out at random, they move the one they feel will give them the best life. How many of those 25 have the generous benefits system we do for example. How many of those 25 can compete with our average wages?

Not to mention the fact that last year we were told the Olympics and the Jubilee were "great adverts for Britain", the intention was business of course but as much as we like to put ourselves down in this country there is a 'coolness' about Britain which other countries don't share.

In short, if you think that Bulgarian/Hungarian emigration will disperse equally (or even near equally) between the 25 I'd be happy to put a bet on that.
you mean like something in the building trade where pay has been decimated care of polish builders over the past 10 years. got a few friends who have been in the trade for 30+ years and they say the pays gone down to near min wage levels in some places. so even having a trade isnt going to guarantee a good living anymore.
By decimated you mean... reduced no more than 0.5%, and inflated else where?

http://www.lowpay.gov.uk/lowpay/report/pdf/8990-BIS-Low Pay_Tagged.pdf
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again i said in some places. around here its been butchered thanks to a lot of companies going the cheapest route and when they are now looking at taking on the guys they used before they wont offer them anything near what they used to.
As I've said in other threads, the middle-class love immigration. They don't compete for their jobs, makes hiring cheap labour easier for them and all the while they get to call anyone that disagrees a 'racist'.

I think this comment from the Guardian's Comment Is Free section tells you all you need to know about the left-wing liberal elite...

Any downward pressure on wages will be strictly at the unskilled level. This will save costs of UK businesses who can go about the business of getting the country back on its feet.

..and there you go. Screw the working classes, screw the low paid (we'll just give them benefits instead) as long as "business" is happy that's all that matters.

Gets my goat, it really does.
Come on people now, smile on your brother, everybody get together, and try to love one another right now !

I say let them all in, all 29 million. Then I'll move to Romania and declare myself king with no one left to oppose me, then my world domination plan will commence.
EU law guaranteeing free movement for citizens of member states.

It's pretty retarded though, stands to reason that those in poor countries will flood to the rich ones and national public services will be strained & eventually collapse under the weight. The EU has no care towards individual nations they just want to 'normalize' the whole of Europe by making the rich poorer and poorer richer.
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