2gb to 4gb?

why confused for? these days gfx cards come with 1gig of ram onboard. and pc's need more ram all the time. 1gig is good for the minors out there but if you want to run winamp and word at the same time then your going to need 4 gigs of ram like me :p :D
You should have just spent 85 quid on some go faster stripes for your case, would have offered the same performance increase.

top stuff having 4 gigs of ram. now i can use a ram buffer of 670mb in nero. :D
Cyber-Mav said:

top stuff having 4 gigs of ram. now i can use a ram buffer of 670mb in nero. :D

Wow, I see your commit charge is only 1082MB, that's really using your 4GB.
ahh but all im running is nero to burn a dvd. you should see the consumption rise up when windows media player 10 is up and i got some word documents loaded and firefox open. ram consumption starts rising fast and when 3dstudio is launched along with adobe photoshop then you learn the real value of having lots of ram.

im using x64 by the way.
You still have a swapfile enabled there I think, might as well disable it?
If you create a ramdisk you can set your temp directory to it, browser cache too prehaps
Cyber-Mav said:
ahh but all im running is nero to burn a dvd. you should see the consumption rise up when windows media player 10 is up and i got some word documents loaded and firefox open. ram consumption starts rising fast and when 3dstudio is launched along with adobe photoshop then you learn the real value of having lots of ram.

im using x64 by the way.

wmplayer and word use bugger all memory, unless your writing a 600 page novel with lots of pictures.
I image your correct about 3dstudio etc, but you're not a professional 3d artist or the like, and would never have all those apps and stuff open. And if I'm wrong, and you do actually use all those apps regulary, lets see some of your work, as I'd be interested to to see some of those cool 3dstudio renders you have done that would need 4GB.

Mate your full of it, This being a forum where people look for advice, you're not helping others who think they might see a nice boost in having 4GB, feel free to convice yourself that 4GB is worth it, but dont go spouting on about how good it is, when in reality it has done nothing to your system.
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well its the best 85 quid i spent so far this year. i only went for the 4 gigs cuz i got it cheapo on special offer.

memory has its advantages and you can never have enough ram.

ob1 thats some good ideas there about the browser cache. i heard its best not to disable the swapfile since it can cause problems but not too sure on that. would be very good though if the system used no page file at all.
Lanz said:
Mate your full of it....



OT slightly RE renders in 3d studio.. wonder how rapid renders on a 4gb machine would work.. hey Cyber-Mav.. wanna do some rendering for me and actually put that 4gb to use? ;)
rendering is not usually ram limited but cpu speed or gpu speed limited. then again certain images with enough lightsources can take up loads of ram.
Why don't we all just let Cyber-Mav enjoy his 4 sticks of RAM, even though they may be useless in reality. It's his money at the end of the day :)
first you should never disable your swapfile, not good practice at all. lets face it if its not gonna get used it cant hurt to have it on just incase, doing this can also cause random system instability with Windows. As for you flashing numbers in Taskman i can up my swap file several gigs and my numbers will be bigger than yours, my PC will run at just the same speed as yours all other things being equal, plus i will still have £85 in my back pocket! :D ;) :p :)
thats because the very very very experienced software engineers decided that 1.5x the amount of RAM in your system is the correct amount to have for swapfile, i dont know more than these people so i leave swap well alone (except for position on HDD etc) after all its not hurting i have plenty disk space to cope
They just set it to be bigger because if you run out suddenly it could cause a crash, by having twice as much as possibly nessecery you make this possibility remote :D
Ive turned it off for now as I have too much memory and my disk space is fairly low, theres no problems created by doing so in my experience
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