300 *spoilers*

I watched this at the Odeon IMAX yesterday. :D

It was abso-******-lutly amazing.

While its not the best film I have ever seen it just reeks of cool. There are parts that just make you want to shout out **** YEAH!

The noise effect seemed a little weird at first but I think it ultimatly added to the film. I didn't mind the fact that there was no blood on the ground or anything. I think if films were 100% true to life we would complain more.

There were some fantastic lines too
The obvious
"Spartans! Tonight we dine in hell"
When the queen stabs the polititian
"You will not enjoy this, It will not be over quickly, I am not your queen!"
I could rattle quotes off all day.

It was totally worth the trip to see it in IMAX, I would reccomend anyone who can to go a do it. I'm hoping to see it again at the weekend at a DLP showing.
I went to see a hack and slash combat film based on a graphic novel, based on a battle which took place during one of my favourite times in history to read up on.

And that's exactly what I got.

Well filmed, well choreographed, just thoroughly entertaining.

Highly recommended from me.
Just seen it, I give it an 8.

Saw the grindhouse trailer too which is a film I've been more looking forward to then 300, so a double whammy, yay.
saw it at the waterloo imax - superb.

a couple of things i noticed:

tacked on side plot = rubbish

don't carry your bribe money around everywhere you go - especially if it has pictures of your enemy on it AND DEFINITELY NOT IN SOME FLIMSY PIECE OF LOOSE CLOTHING SUCH AS A TUNIC.

How are you going to spend money with your enemies face on it?

don't be surprised when a slimey politician betrays you - AFTERALL EVERYONE SHOULD TRUST POLITICIANS.

I'd hate to be the spartan at the back of fight at the end "What's he saying? I can see his mouth moving but i can't hear him...hang on, we're cheering for some reason: SPARTAAAAAA, wtf we're running into battle - end that shizzle for a game soldiers."

A soldier should be able to hear the pounding footsteps of a galloping horse.

Spartans are lazy - they just fight all day, how are they ever gonna make any money?!

nipples and boobies are huge at the imax, could poke your eye out.

your scottish accent leaks through several times king leonidas.
seek said:
have you even seen 300? :/

What has that question got to do with my post :confused:

And yes, I have seen 300 - very overrated and the way it was filmed is awful.
I haven't seen TMNT and I don't want to see it.
dmpoole said:
And yes, I have seen 300 - very overrated and the way it was filmed is awful.
I haven't seen TMNT and I don't want to see it.

So, essentially you're trolling this thread then..

You've established the fact you dont like the film, what exactly do you want to achieve by posting something like that? The way it was filmed is awful? Pull the other one.






I think you're perfectly entitled to not like the film, and in your opinion it's possible to not like the style either. But c'mon..
Scam said:
So, essentially you're trolling this thread then..

The way it was filmed is awful? Pull the other one.

I think you're perfectly entitled to not like the film, and in your opinion it's possible to not like the style either. But c'mon..

Hmm - well apart from the fact that there was already 3 other threads on this awful film before this thread was started then all the others who have dissed it are also trolling. I am allowed my opinion whether you like it or not.

If the type of filming is what floats your boat then carry on but I thought Sin City was unwatchable and this only slightly better.
I really hope we're not going to suffer this style of filming in films to come.
dmpoole said:
I really hope we're not going to suffer this style of filming in films to come.

I'm sure we will, but if you think this is going to become the Hollywood norm then in my opinion you're worrying over nothing. Sin City and 300 were both filmed in this way to pay homage to their original graphic novels. And in my opinion they both worked extremely well. It's simply a matter of style, and you can like it or not. I personally love it. The colours and composition of every frame were brilliant. Had it been filmed in the 'normal way', this film would have been dull, i'm sure. It would ahve turned out something like a poor man's Troy, and that was dire enough.
Sin City worked because it didn't take itself too seriously.
300 doesn't because it's awkwardly pompous.
The oracle scene, for example, just seemed pretentious. Too much 'arty' crap doesn't work unless you have the foundations of a decent film to start with - i.e. an absorbing plot, or at least some kind of emotional attachment to characters. Instead it just happens, with no real intent or purpose. I'm not against this kind of thing, but it has to be used effectively. So many scenes just felt like empty shells, albeit very pretty ones.
Not to mention the numerous other issues such as way too much slowmo and repetitive battle scenes.

And yes, I know it manages to very closely look like the original artwork - but I'm rating it as a film, not on how good a representation of the original book it is.
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Scam said:
But c'mon..
Just ignore people who slate such a great film, they just don't get it and its their loss! (I wonder if these critics of 300 actually like any films at all?) ;)

I've heard all kinds of criticism on this one and its always really picky, a bit like someone who goes to a steak-house and then complains because their salad garnish isn't quite right :D
dmpoole said:
Hmm - well apart from the fact that there was already 3 other threads on this awful film before this thread was started then all the others who have dissed it are also trolling. I am allowed my opinion whether you like it or not.

Can you leave this thread now? You're becoming rather boring.

This isnt the first thread that you've ruined with your rubbish either
Hey give dmpoole a break, he's an oldie, can totally understand why he didn't like it. Digital filming ain't for him. Personally I thought it was good but not excellent cos I like digital filiming
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