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3080 / 3090 / 3070 Gigabyte Eagle Gaming OC & Vision Power Connector Concerns

8 Jul 2013
Middle age travellers site
I had forgot i had created this thread :confused:

must say this re-enforces my belief in these stupid connectors gigabyte have gone for
i knew these where trouble as soon as i set eyes on them

So thx for all the info everybody re this

and sorry you lot having to deal with such a crap design

At the price they are they should not be like this it unacceptable..i am sure they will have to redesign that connector

After a long weekend of heavy loads, the card is still working fine. However last time I checked, one of the pins has developed a little molten ball on top. Bit worrying!

I've been in touch with OC technical and they're being very helpful and offered me a replacement, but I'm reluctant untill we get word from Gigabyte as to whether this is normal or just a dodgy batch. It's been passed on to OC management who are looking into the issue. Will keep you updated.

that's no good i am amazed it did not melt the whole connector

Had same scare with Gaming OC card. I couldnt fit in connectors from Gigabyte psu , Luckily i have old EVGA Supernova 850W G2 and it was perfect fit in. Card works well no crashes on stock settings so far i tested it with Watch Dogs2 and GTA V. I tried manual overclock but it crashes over 2k Mhz. Im sure im not doing it right. Anyway stock boost is 1995Mhz which isnt bad
To be clear i changed whole psu and psu cables not just swap vga cables . Afaik cables from different psu manufacturers may not be compatible i didnt want to risk it

having to change psu to get the connector to fit not good ..i feel lots of peeps are going to have problems with these connectors on there cards..

Hey. So i am plan to buy Gigabyte 3090 Gaming Oc. Should i cancel because of that connectors or will be fine?

If it helps i am not paying over £650 to have a rubbish design problem like this so i am either cancelling and just sit a wait till AMD shows there hand or changing to another card one without a rubbish connector design

I have this exact issue, my 3090 Gaming OC doesn't start now. All it took was one unplugging and replugging to tidy up the cabling a bit after the initial testing. Looking at the pins they are definitely all over the place. Not happy, especially since it's such minor thing and easy to get right/wrong, yet so critical. I could try and get those pins in order with some tweezers, but for such an expensive product you wouldn't expect having to resort to such measures. Nor do I want to.


sry to see this

the money you have spent you should not have to be doing anything like this ..this is a big risk re resistance in power delivery with such high amps and will only get worse the more you re plug in and you run the risk of major damage not to the card itself but the psu hell even fire .... Gigabyte need to address this ASAP very poor design..

I hope you all manage to get things resolved ..i am cancelling for sure now..

this is not on Gigabyte !!



16 Jan 2020
you are right i was in panic sweating didnt want to break the pins. Anyway i didnt like that whiny psu so glad i replaced it. whiny one was 750w current one is 850w
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11 Jun 2013
So out of interest which other Gigabyte cards use these crap connectors ???

Eagle oc
Gaming OC

All of them afaik, they all share the same if not very similar PCB. der8auer wasn't praising it (more about the design of it blocking some of the airflow than anything else), Steve Burke has taken the Eagle apart some 20 times (his own words from his review) and hasn't really complained about it. The KitGuru review hasn't complained about it.

So I don't think it's that big a deal.
8 Jul 2013
Middle age travellers site
All of them afaik, they all share the same if not very similar PCB. der8auer wasn't praising it (more about the design of it blocking some of the airflow than anything else), Steve Burke has taken the Eagle apart some 20 times (his own words from his review) and hasn't really complained about it. The KitGuru review hasn't complained about it.

So I don't think it's that big a deal.

All of them gee
Will have to wait and see once there is lots in the wild with all the different psu's peeps installing ect ..i still stick to it..it is a crap design

thx for the info
25 Sep 2020
Poor show from Gigabyte, I had placed a pre-order for the Eagle expecting a high base level of quality from an EE standpoint but I guess we don't even get that in 2020.

Fortunately I was one of the lucky few to snag an FE when those came into stock last week and I have since cancelled the pre-order.

Best wishes to all those affected by the shoddy design. :(
8 Jul 2013
Middle age travellers site
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8 Jul 2013
Middle age travellers site
Are those 12 pins on the card itself?

Could you use your own 2 x 8 pin to 12 pin adapters instead of the included ones? If they're defective or fail over time.

By the looks its nothing standard ..looks like gigabytes own as you can see in these photos



Also spending this sort of money one should not have too
8 Jul 2013
Middle age travellers site
10 Oct 2015
No problem @harney and thanks for bringing the whole subject to my attention before I receive the card as it has at least made me aware that I need to take care with these current connectors.
8 Jul 2013
Middle age travellers site
No problem @harney and thanks for bringing the whole subject to my attention before I receive the card as it has at least made me aware that I need to take care with these current connectors.

YW this is what this thread is here for

i too am very concerned re this yes we can mod it to do away with the connector box and use what Esxpaul posted straight onto the psu cable but one should not have too really ..
but its an option at least ..

now for people that plug in once that should not really be a problem but my guess its going to be hit or miss with certain PSU connectors we all know what them old molex 4 pin 12volt connectors are like ..

was reading up some comments on reddit and peeps where thinking its there fault when the pins come loose ..its not there fault its the fault of connectors used by gigabyte.

My biggest concern is not knowing if the pin or pins have come lose and is not a firm connection but still works.. over time resistance with build up as we have seen with other peeps in the above posts...this may cause serious problems later on..
2 May 2015
It should not be necessary to tamper with the connectors, but I really prefer them like that than soldered to the board. As they are, if something happens to them it would be a trivial fix, definitely easier than desoldering. Their choice also opens the door to install, for example, the new 12 pin connector if you wanted (I guess that Gigabyte took that route just to have more freedom in this regard). Finally, with their design, when you plug the cables (or if there is tension after plugging them) you are not stressing the PCB, but a cheap external component.
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