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3080 / 3090 / 3070 Gigabyte Eagle Gaming OC & Vision Power Connector Concerns

My Eagle is coming tomorrow, how do I confirm week of production?
As written in the first post of the thread...

So check your serial number which will start with year 20 then second number is the week
So 2038 and below would be on old connector block & 2039 and above is on the new one

I just received 3080 Gaming OC, week 42.

It does not have any heat-shrinks, but the Pins seem solid as it looks like the newer version of the connector.

Was really worried but even after a few plug and unplugs the pins are still ok.. The card is more - less stable (as expected from rushed 3080), but the stress test showed a boost up to 2115 Mhz out of the box, with 65

Hope your experience with Gigabyte Card will be good as well.

Just fitted my 5900x and 3080 eagle (one bent power pin to mess around with ffs.

Modern Warfare at 1440p maxed out at 165fps on a g sync monitor feels like cheating my lord
2115 mhz well thats a funny one play a game that utilizes ampere like Metro Exodus and you will be happy if you get 1800mhz after the warm up ;)

I would love to use my full GPU card if Warzone would not be such an a*s and run the GPU with +90% utilization, currently, it is using only 70% in WZ, but 93% in MP.. mindblowing..

You were right about the clocks tho, full load, they got stabilized at 1950 MHz
Is anyone here getting random reboots? I don't mean BSOD but straight up just computer shutting off with no error messages. I've been having random reboots every so often since I got the new Gigabyte 3080 Gaming OC card. I initially sent it back for repairs due to it being in the 'bad batch' to get the connectors fixed. I was hoping that would fix the random reboots however it didn't. I then thought it was a failing drive since the health of that drive was very low so I got a new drive and installed windows on that however it's still doing it. So then I swapped out my ram with other sticks thinking it was RAM however it wasn't the RAM so I'm either thinking it's my PSU or this GPU that's the culprit. My PSU is a Corsair RM1000x 1000W. I highly doubt it's due to going over 1000w on full load so it's either failing somehow or it's the GPU. The main thing that makes me think it's the GPU is the fact that the random reboots started happening when I got the new card.

The most annoying thing is that I can go a week without having an issue then it just starts to randomly reboots every single day, maybe once or even twice on one day then it's fine for the new few days. There's no consistency to the issue and I've checked all event viewer logs with nothing really showing. I have the event ID 41 log but it doesn't tell you much. I'm seriously considering just throwing in my old card and testing for a week or so and see if I get the issue although it's hard to tell when it's going to do it again. It's extremely frustrating trying to troubleshoot this. These types of issues are always the most annoying to try troubleshoot.
Just fitted my 5900x and 3080 eagle (one bent power pin to mess around with ffs.

Modern Warfare at 1440p maxed out at 165fps on a g sync monitor feels like cheating my lord

I had the same on my 3070 Gaming OC, one bent pin which I had to straighten out myself to get the power connected. All seemed perfect in my games at 1440p 144hz (Warzone, Apex etc.) but when I ran a stress test on Heaven and Time spy, I had artifacts and constant black screens under full load. The card was a week 42 with no heat shrink but it does seem to have the new block shown in the OP.

My card is being collected today by OC'ers and they're going to test it, probably going to be RMA'd if it isn't a simple replacement of the power connectors. No gaming over the holidays for me :( .
Can anyone confirm if this is the new connector or not? WK42 Gaming OC. Thanks.


You have the new block, but don't be fooled into thinking that everything is fine just because it's the revised version. Mine (3070 gaming OC) was also the new version, week 42 card, but it had a bent pin when it arrived and now it is going back to OC'ers due to being faulty when stress tested.

This was my first time ever building a decent PC, took me over 7 weeks to get all the parts and build it due to the lack of availability of GPUs and CPUs, and it lasted a total of 2 days before I had to send my card back. Disappointed would be an understatement. Learnt a valuable lesson to not buy early versions of new hardware in the future.

OC have been great to deal with throughout, however, so props to them.
Is anyone here getting random reboots? I don't mean BSOD but straight up just computer shutting off with no error messages. I've been having random reboots every so often since I got the new Gigabyte 3080 Gaming OC card. I initially sent it back for repairs due to it being in the 'bad batch' to get the connectors fixed. I was hoping that would fix the random reboots however it didn't. I then thought it was a failing drive since the health of that drive was very low so I got a new drive and installed windows on that however it's still doing it. So then I swapped out my ram with other sticks thinking it was RAM however it wasn't the RAM so I'm either thinking it's my PSU or this GPU that's the culprit. My PSU is a Corsair RM1000x 1000W. I highly doubt it's due to going over 1000w on full load so it's either failing somehow or it's the GPU. The main thing that makes me think it's the GPU is the fact that the random reboots started happening when I got the new card.

The most annoying thing is that I can go a week without having an issue then it just starts to randomly reboots every single day, maybe once or even twice on one day then it's fine for the new few days. There's no consistency to the issue and I've checked all event viewer logs with nothing really showing. I have the event ID 41 log but it doesn't tell you much. I'm seriously considering just throwing in my old card and testing for a week or so and see if I get the issue although it's hard to tell when it's going to do it again. It's extremely frustrating trying to troubleshoot this. These types of issues are always the most annoying to try troubleshoot.
I more or less have the same issue with a WK42 Vision OC .Started around 3 weeks-ish after I installed the card with a 750W HXI from Corsair. My old 1080ti is working fine in the current config(swapped the cards). I'm waiting for a new PSU which, drum roll, it a rmi1000w. I'll let you know how things go after I swap my PSUs.
For the past week I was getting a black screen +restart at least once a day. Now that I swapped back to my 1080ti I'm 3 days with no issues.

We're you having problems from day one ?

@GIGA-Man , my retailer from Romania is kinda known for having **** RMA service. Is there any way I could RMA(if needed) through GB directly ?
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I more or less have the same issue with a WK43 Vision OC .Started around 3 weeks-ish after I installed the card with a 750W HXI from Corsair. My old 1080ti is working fine in the current config(swapped the cards). I'm waiting for a new PSU which, drum roll, it a rmi1000w. I'll let you know how things go after I swap my PSUs.
For the past week I was getting a black screen +restart at least once a day. Now that I swapped back to my 1080ti I'm 3 days with no issues.

We're you having problems from day one ?

@GIGA-Man , my retailer from Romania is kinda known for having **** RMA service. Is there any way I could RMA(if needed) through GB directly ?
Yeah it started happening around the time I got the card. Let me know if it still happens with the new PSU.
What's the process re power connector issues? Mines a week 42 that came with a pin to one side that my connector then bent further and snapped the little separator plastic within the socket. I've got it working for now with a little manipulation but I shouldn't have to be dealing with that surely, its a damn plug.
Is anyone here getting random reboots? I don't mean BSOD but straight up just computer shutting off with no error messages. I've been having random reboots every so often since I got the new Gigabyte 3080 Gaming OC card. I initially sent it back for repairs due to it being in the 'bad batch' to get the connectors fixed. I was hoping that would fix the random reboots however it didn't. I then thought it was a failing drive since the health of that drive was very low so I got a new drive and installed windows on that however it's still doing it. So then I swapped out my ram with other sticks thinking it was RAM however it wasn't the RAM so I'm either thinking it's my PSU or this GPU that's the culprit. My PSU is a Corsair RM1000x 1000W. I highly doubt it's due to going over 1000w on full load so it's either failing somehow or it's the GPU. The main thing that makes me think it's the GPU is the fact that the random reboots started happening when I got the new card.

The most annoying thing is that I can go a week without having an issue then it just starts to randomly reboots every single day, maybe once or even twice on one day then it's fine for the new few days. There's no consistency to the issue and I've checked all event viewer logs with nothing really showing. I have the event ID 41 log but it doesn't tell you much. I'm seriously considering just throwing in my old card and testing for a week or so and see if I get the issue although it's hard to tell when it's going to do it again. It's extremely frustrating trying to troubleshoot this. These types of issues are always the most annoying to try troubleshoot.

Yeah super annoying these types of faults ...it seems to point toward card or psu ..my i suggest you try another set of psu pcie power cables and i assume you have more than 2 pci-e power ports on the psu try different ports

I assume your suing 2 sets of pcie power cables to the card
You have the new block, but don't be fooled into thinking that everything is fine just because it's the revised version. Mine (3070 gaming OC) was also the new version, week 42 card, but it had a bent pin when it arrived and now it is going back to OC'ers due to being faulty when stress tested.

This was my first time ever building a decent PC, took me over 7 weeks to get all the parts and build it due to the lack of availability of GPUs and CPUs, and it lasted a total of 2 days before I had to send my card back. Disappointed would be an understatement. Learnt a valuable lesson to not buy early versions of new hardware in the future.

OC have been great to deal with throughout, however, so props to them.

The reason why they call it bleeding edge tech ..hope you get your card turned around quick and back up and running

What's the process re power connector issues? Mines a week 42 that came with a pin to one side that my connector then bent further and snapped the little separator plastic within the socket. I've got it working for now with a little manipulation but I shouldn't have to be dealing with that surely, its a damn plug.

you need to look right into the cards backplate air vent and if the block looks like on the OP as the fixed one your good ...not sure what you mean by broken plastic share a photo if your able too maybe
The reason why they call it bleeding edge tech ..hope you get your card turned around quick and back up and running

you need to look right into the cards backplate air vent and if the block looks like on the OP as the fixed one your good ...not sure what you mean by broken plastic share a photo if your able too maybe

Inside the power connector there's thin plastic dividers that help the fingers of the plug slide in correctly to each of the eight holes were the pins are, one of those is now broken.

I must have fitted 20-30 graphics cards in the last 20 years. Never seen anything so useless. It's a simple plug FGS.
I got "fixed" card from 37week in polish repair center in Wroclaw .Why i said "fixed" because not 100% correctly fixed .Pins no longer are pushed inside but they can still move .Now they rotate up or down like arms of balance weight scale.
Got feeling that gigabyte just created band aid for faulty design .I managed to put extension power conector couple of time to ensure that connection is tight.Even if change computer or psu i will no longer disconnect extension cables.
Hope nothing bad will happen but as i said pins no loger are pushed back so connection should be secure
pathetic from gb, at this point i never ever will consider another gb card if they cant even fix such simple problem what kind of engineer came up with this garbage in the first place fire that tool.
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