so were they all from Vietnam? I thought they said they were Chinese bodies?
"the picture may change regarding identification, and we will continue to provide updates when appropriate under the direction of HM Coroner."
What idiot would put them in a sealed refrigerated trailer, anyone with a half a brain cell would realize they would either freeze to death or suffocate.
Literally the dumbest human traffickers.
You think they care? They'll have been paid in advance.
Not if you don't have paperwork.
Forge documents?
If I had choice between
A) being smuggled in by a refrigerator trailer
B) Forging documents and flying on Jet.
I'd choose B, wouldn't you?
Where you get forged docs?
Drivers responsibility I'm sure. Either way he is screwed.
Given they are now suspected (by the Belgians) to have maybe been dead for 12 hours, you'd think the driver would be in the clear shortly.
Yes but they probably want to know if hes been in on it all along or just wrong time wrong place.
Fair enough. There's also a possibility he / his firm might have been sucker-punched into taking the rap for a known-dead cargo before it left Belgium.
This is my take as well, what puzzles me is on the face of it the police are yet to establish the drivers innocence in this which you’d think they’d be quick to establish were he just unfortunate enough to be sent to pick up that particular trailer....I’ve only read 20 posts, so if this explained in later pages, I apologise, but, (and here I’m only using my knowledge of procedures when I was trucking trailers and containers to and from Europe), if the trailer, complete with container, was pulled off the ferry by a dock tug unit, then the driver hitched the trailer to his tractor unit, he may have been completely unaware of anyone being inside the container.
Not really he obviously knew what he was doing, hope he gets 30+ years.
Yes, they do.
Agreed, from experience.