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3d Mark 06 scores thread

Not too shabby for a single core CPU I think:


A few tweaks and pushing the CPU hard .. I am so cpu limited, overclocking the cards does nothing.

2x X1800XT Crossfire @ stock A64-4000 @ 2.7ghz.
Bluemike said:

My score is well im not very happy with it :(

3DMark Score 1325 3DMarks
SM2.0 Score 537
HDR/SM3.0 Score 450
CPU Score 916

My pc spec

AMD 64 3400+ 754
1GB PC 3200
XFX 6600GT
Lanparty motherboard

this is a simalar score i was getting with my 6600gt with the components in sig so nothing is out
Heres my 1st run on 3DMark06, with single cpu & gfx card:

AMD64 3700+ @ 2.60Ghz
2Gb Corsair Twin-X PC3200 Ram
256Mb XFX 7800GTX Extreme @ 490/1300 (stock)

4344 3DMarks
SM2 2004
SM3 1946
CPU 1034

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And apparently COD2 ... its just a case of how soon other games take advantage of it, thats going to decide it for most people.
AMD Athlon 64 4800+ X2 @ 2.4Ghz
2GB OCZ Platinum (2-3-2-5-1T)
XFX GeForce 6800GS Extreme XXX Edition @ 533/1190

3096 3DMark06
SM2.0 = 1231
SM3.0 = 1119
CPU = 1788

Intel Pentium 4 3.4Ghz @ 3.4Ghz
1GB Crucial Ballistix (2-2-2-5)
Sapphire Radeon X800XT PE @ 527/1120

2164 3DMark06
SM2.0 = 1129
SM3.0 = N/A
CPU = 991
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Overlag said:
i thought games like fear and quake already showed massive improvements with dualcore.....

I get top performance from these with single core!

Dual is very tempting but still a little 'new' (read expensive)?

However, it's interesting to see how 3D06 rewards both GPU and CPU in more equal fashion. So those with top graphics and lesser processors are fairly even with those on top processors and lesser graphics!

Now where's my CC? Must get new bits to chase 3Dmarks! This is almost subliminal. :eek:
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my first build is ready :)


after 2 days of building my first pc ;)
i finally got it running and got a couple of games on and WOW.
the graphics card the speed of the games. and booting up i never had a pc so fast. :) im well happy i have not blown anything up yet too.

but anyway, loadsofmoney wanted me to post me benchmark. im not sure if i did it right. as the cpu test was wierd all the graphics messed up and i got like 0 frames per second :/

but everything else was ok. bear in mind i didnt change anything.
no overclocking. just default install. :)

im not sure if this is good or bad for a first run...?


cheers, ice
got my shiny new x1800xt at the weekend and here are my scores

at stock i get 3791
SM2 - 1618
HDR/SM3 - 1699
CPU - 1021

overclocked to 690/800 using the CCC i get 4051
SM2 - 1779
HDR/SM3 - 1848
CPU - 1019
Okay well i downloaded it and just ran it, Ran a lot slower in fps, than 3D 05. Anyhow, this is my result, Can you people let me know what y ou think and if this is correct ? The first "movie" was more like a semi slide show, of the soldiers fighting / shooting, BUT on 05 it ran fine ?


CPU opteron 146 @ 2.7GHZ
x800 Gto2 @ 16 pipes and 520 core / 580 memory
rest of spec in sig,

score is as follows

1935 3D mark
sm2.0 Score 987
HDR/SM3.0 score n/a
cpu score 1044

Well ?? is this right or what ?
Oh right, thanks, whats this HDR/SM3.- Score that is n/a on my machine, shoudl i have it ? what is it, Oh i also installed the direct 9 thing on 3d mark 06 as it asked me for it, was that wise ?
i know, been very busy though guys.

to speed things up if you dont get in the top 30 i wont bother putting you in the table as only the top 20 is shown.

sound fair?

chef said:
Oh right, thanks, whats this HDR/SM3.- Score that is n/a on my machine, shoudl i have it ? what is it, Oh i also installed the direct 9 thing on 3d mark 06 as it asked me for it, was that wise ?

HDR stands for High Dynamic Range and SM3 stands for Shader Model 3

The X800 series doesn't support Shader Model 3 nor does it support HDR over Shader Model 3. This is why you get N/A for those scores
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