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3D Mark announces Steel Nomad benchmark, replaces Timespy

restart the software and try the uploader. sometimes you have to give it a couple of goes for it to upload.
Would the hardware monitoring thing cause it to read my clocks wrong? Because I'm pretty sure they are. That run had +220 on the core and +2k on the memory...+250 ISH on the core was 3000mhz on the core in timespy
Had to delete everything and go again, still not saying I've the hardware monitoring enabled but still miles behind the 8369 4080 score, no overclocks but it looks like it would make a big difference on this

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Vulkan 7900 GRE, Core 2714, Mem 2706, score 5623

7900 GRE, Core 2714, Mem 2706, score 22,522


7900 GRE, Core 2714, Mem 2706, score 21,810


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