** 4K GAMING 1MS 60Hz MONITOR @ SUB £500 !!!!! ** (IN STOCK NOW)

4k sounds interesting but games run poorly even on good hardware, i'm thinking the upcoming 1440p 120hz G-sync screen from Asus might be better for gaming.. mainly just due to the fact that even if you can't hit 120fps it will still run nicely even if you hit 60 or 40fps on a single card.

With 4k you are either stuck with the native resolution and have games run slower or drop below native and the image looks like ass, and you'll be needing 2 midrange or high end gpu's minimum to get good frame rates, at least at the moment.

I wonder how much image quality is in it before PPI becomes meaningless, with phones it's apparently near 200PPI, that's only because users aren't more than a foot away from it and usually less. So with monitors the wall is going to be less than 200. Then it's just wasted power since the difference is not noticable.
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Yes, I wonder if 28" is just too small a dot pitch for practical application in 2D, excepting possibly photo manipulation (and that's (S-)IPS territory anyway).

Now, I'm waiting avidly for 4K to become more mainstream and 32" screens to come down from the stratospheric new technology markup prices they're at currently. I think that might be the sweet spot (if you sit fairly close to the monitor).
Gibbo, I know that the UK release is still almost 2 months away and things might change, but a few of the early adopters in the US seem to be reporting backlight bleed issues on their U28D590 screens.

Please could you confirm what OcUK's policy is with issues of that nature?

I just need to know whether it's worth reserving one now (with the up-front cost) or wait until a few people have them and can report on quality of the first batches. I don't want to end up in a situation where there is backlight bleed that is deemed acceptable because the monitor is 'cheap for a 4k res screen'.
Gibbo, I know that the UK release is still almost 2 months away and things might change, but a few of the early adopters in the US seem to be reporting backlight bleed issues on their U28D590 screens.

Please could you confirm what OcUK's policy is with issues of that nature?

I just need to know whether it's worth reserving one now (with the up-front cost) or wait until a few people have them and can report on quality of the first batches. I don't want to end up in a situation where there is backlight bleed that is deemed acceptable because the monitor is 'cheap for a 4k res screen'.

Well you always have the option of returning it via DSR regs. And OCUK give you an extra week I believe.

So the most you would lose would be the cost of postage returning it.
Which could be quite a bit for a monitor of this size surely?

Most of the 'cheap' consumer courier options either tend not to accept monitors or charge quite a bit extra to provide appropriate insurance coverage.
Actually if it is an RMA issue which backlight bleed could be OCuk normally offer to refund the cost of postage if you ask. (as they should but few people ever ask)
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