Had the chap from hdtvtest.co.uk over last night to calibrate my 55EF950V. Good job, looks a lot better.
Hooked up the UB900 for the first time and did some tests. Had to update the firmware in my AV Receiver to support HDR but was simple enough.
HDR on OLED. Interesting. Doesn't make a massive difference. OLED already gives you fantastic colour range and contrast. I think HDR is really for the LCD folk.
TALON1973 - Apparently the UHD Oblivion isn't very good, they've applied too much filtering etc on it and it's not great, which is an epic shame. It's one of my favourite films and sounds awesome.
Hooked up the UB900 for the first time and did some tests. Had to update the firmware in my AV Receiver to support HDR but was simple enough.
HDR on OLED. Interesting. Doesn't make a massive difference. OLED already gives you fantastic colour range and contrast. I think HDR is really for the LCD folk.
TALON1973 - Apparently the UHD Oblivion isn't very good, they've applied too much filtering etc on it and it's not great, which is an epic shame. It's one of my favourite films and sounds awesome.