5 weeks on and still Mac Pro issues, opinions.

10 Apr 2004
Ok, after the 10.5.7 update im still having issues with my mac pro.

(Mouse/keyboard pausing)

I've been in contact with ADC bug reporting and have been running what they want, I've already swapped the machine once and reinstalled numerous amounts of times to satisfy engineering its actually a system issue :rolleyes:

I've probably spent a day on this now, when I really should not have done.

Whats peoples opinions?

Should I send it back and ask for a upgrade? (2.93? 2.66 octo?)
I've already asked for applecare to be added to the MP and a wireless KB sent out, but a week later and nothing.

Im really disappointed with apple atm, just not on having a £2k machine that I can't actually use properly. I could have built one, saved £1k, overclocked it and very possibly have it working.

Another option is to buy another monitor, which I was thinking about anyway, but thats £500 out of my pocket for something they should fix.

So, what should I do? (And serious comments please :))

Thanks, CR.
Is it definitely only machines of your spec that have the problem? If so then I think I'd be pushing for them to swap it for one of a specification which actually works.
Is it definitely only machines of your spec that have the problem? If so then I think I'd be pushing for them to swap it for one of a specification which actually works.

I think its linked to the ATi 4870 TBH. I've found no reports of GT120 pausing.

Sad thing is I could have bought a 1Gb 4870 for the same price and flashed it :rolleyes:

I was tempted to go 2.93 without the 4870 but the 4870 is once of the reasons I bought it in the first place :rolleyes:
Throw it back at their face and demand a refund whilst you still can. Put the money in an account untill they manage to release one that works. In this time you may realise you don't actually want to spend £2k on a Mac Pro, and a 1K homebuild (As mentioned in your OP before everyone jumps me) would do what you need just as well. No point having it tie up all that money sat there not working, surely?
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Throw it back at their face and demand a refund whilst you still can. Put the money in an account untill they manage to release one that works. In this time you may realise you don't actually want to spend £2k on a Mac Pro, and a 1K homebuild (As mentioned in your OP before everyone jumps me) would do what you need just as well. No point having it tie up all that money sat there not working, surely?

Don't want to do that, I was just making the point ;)

The reason I bought it was for stability and lack of buggyness due to non-standard hardware.
Don't want to do that, I was just making the point ;)

The reason I bought it was for stability and lack of buggyness due to non-standard hardware.

Good Lord, you make it sound like PCs crash every five minutes- I don't want to come across as a troll or start an argument, but just to add some balance, not all PCs are buggy due to "non standard hardware". I remember reading another thread of yours where you said you would not trust Windows Vista with your data.... I don't really understand your problem against Windows/ MS PCs here- millions of people all over the world use Windows every day and don't lose/ have data stolen. As far as buginess/ problems go, look at how many problems Apple are giving you!

Me? I'd get a refund, spend £1,000 tops on a Windows/ Linux PC, pocket the difference, and just enjoy using the thing.
Good Lord, you make it sound like PCs crash every five minutes- I don't want to come across as a troll or start an argument, but just to add some balance, not all PCs are buggy due to "non standard hardware". I remember reading another thread of yours where you said you would not trust Windows Vista with your data.... I don't really understand your problem against Windows/ MS PCs here- millions of people all over the world use Windows every day and don't lose/ have data stolen. As far as buginess/ problems go, look at how many problems Apple are giving you!

Me? I'd get a refund, spend £1,000 tops on a Windows/ Linux PC, pocket the difference, and just enjoy using the thing.

Thanks for the input.

I've been using Windows and PCs side by side since I was 5, that is edging on 15 years ago, I have W7 installed on both my MBP and MP.
And the only reason I have even that installed is there isn't a CAD program that my uni supply for mac and for FS-X/Supreme Commander.

I want a mac. :)
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Get an update or get a refund then buy a 2nd hand late 2008 spec?

Could save the spare cash and a 2x2.8ghz quad 8GB ram 8800GT isn't too slow!
Get an update or get a refund then buy a 2nd hand late 2008 spec?

Could save the spare cash and a 2x2.8ghz quad 8GB ram 8800GT isn't too slow!

The 2.66ghz is quicker in single threaded apps than the 2.8 (I use more single threaded apps than anything else).

I'd have to get the 3 or the 3.2 and that would then get me the 2.93 Quad which is quicker than both so buying last gen isn't really what I want to do tbh. I looked into this last time and having four more real cores isn't something that appeals to me atm!

Although I can flash a 4870 1Gb to work in it!
The 2.66ghz is quicker in single threaded apps than the 2.8 (I use more single threaded apps than anything else).

I'd have to get the 3 or the 3.2 and that would then get me the 2.93 Quad which is quicker than both so buying last gen isn't really what I want to do tbh. I looked into this last time and having four more real cores isn't something that appeals to me atm!

Although I can flash a 4870 1Gb to work in it!

After spending £2,000 on a machine, even though I am a massive apple fan boy in no way shape or form should you have to go to those lengths in order to get a working machine for which quite frankly, you have spent an awful lot of money on.

If that was me I would demand to have a working machine and for to have the privilege of having 6 weeks with it you should get the octo core free IMO.

Is the problem solely related to the 4870 only? God help the poor people that will adopt the 280GTX :eek:
The machine isn't functioning as it should be. Simple as that. Speak to Apple, either get it replaced or refunded. Make it known you are EXTREMELY unhappy.

If I were in your position I would be making a huge fuss if i'd spent £2k on a machine which is not functioning flawlessly.
Good Lord, you make it sound like PCs crash every five minutes!

Me? I'd get a refund, spend £1,000 tops on a Windows/ Linux PC, pocket the difference, and just enjoy using the thing.

There is a world of difference between a workstation that has been designed from the ground up and a home brewed computer. That also includes the OS. A Dell, HP, or Apple workstation running a UNIX/Linux/BSD style is far removed from a homebrewed machine running Windows.

I use Windows and it's fine (my Vista install hasn't crashed in ages) but if I relied on my computer I'd use either OS X (my first choice) or Linux. Exactly as I do now, all serious work at home is done on my Mac.

However Apple haven't done the good by the OP and he should push for an upgrade.
What exact issues are you having?

I've got a Nehalem 2.26 octo, and there was a bug with the bluetooth disconnect but havent seen it happen for a while.
There is a world of difference between a workstation that has been designed from the ground up and a home brewed computer. That also includes the OS.
I'd question what fraction of the hardware aspect of this world-of-difference has any impact on a great many people buying Mac Pros.
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