5 weeks on and still Mac Pro issues, opinions.

Haha. Your use of 'rely' and 'serious work' were clear FUD in the direction of Windows and you act surprised when someone takes you up on it.

Not so. You can as many people do use Windows for 'serious work' - just because I wouldn't rely on Windows for my serious work does not mean others may chose to do so.

Nothing to do with Fear Uncertainty and Doubt but simply my opinion based on my technical understanding of Operating Systems and my experience working with them.

My point still stands that he had no real grounds to call my post ridiculous. He can, of course, question my opinion.

I think EVH sums it up well:

EVH said:
I have found Windows 7 to be stable enough to use on a day-to-day basis, and in fact I can't remember a time when XP or Vista crashed, but I'd still use OS X.

As I think you'd agree.. it's down to personal preference and trust.

However as often happens on a forum dominated by Windows users you get cries of "fanboi" at the whiff of somebody preferring OS X. :D
Like I said, if you can prove that the machine is at fault then get it sent back for a refund.

I don't understand why you're putting up with it.. :confused:

Because what else am I supposed to do?

Then i'll just have 4 1Tb HDs and a 300Gb Velociraptor which contains all my data pretty much unaccessable, (without faffing around with external caddies).

The machine is part of my setup now, there is no refunding.

I don't care atm, don't need the thing, its just sitting there folding. As far as I know there is no fix on the horizon so im going to let it rest until 2 months have pass and then make a (pleasant) complaint and ask for the upgrade to the dual 2.66.

I've emailed [email protected] too but no reply :rolleyes:

Im *not* sending the machine back, its just not an option now.

If I get the 2.66 octo upgrade then i'll just buy a new monitor like I was going to anyway, im seriously tempted with 3 months free to just ditch the 4870 and flash my own.

Edit: Im one of the prefer OS X brigade...
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Because what else am I supposed to do?

Edit: Im one of the prefer OS X brigade...

Push and push hard for a FOC upgrade. The situation you are in is simply not acceptable and definitely not from a company that prides itself on customer service.

Oh and be careful sticking your head above the parapet in declaring yourself a preferrer of OS X as you may get the PC brigade saying you'd have been better of with a Dell! :p :D
Push and push hard for a FOC upgrade. The situation you are in is simply not acceptable and definitely not from a company that prides itself on customer service.

Oh and be careful sticking your head above the parapet in declaring yourself a preferrer of OS X as you may get the PC brigade saying you'd have been better of with a Dell! :p :D

I would never buy a dell :/

I'd self build, if I was really desperate! lol

and yes thats what im planning on doing :p
Not so. You can as many people do use Windows for 'serious work' - just because I wouldn't rely on Windows for my serious work does not mean others may chose to do so.
So why bring it up in your reply to Bes?

Nothing to do with Fear Uncertainty and Doubt but simply my opinion based on my technical understanding of Operating Systems and my experience working with them.
Gimme a break. Textbook FUD to casually throw those terms in without explanation.

However as often happens on a forum dominated by Windows users you get cries of "fanboi" at the whiff of somebody preferring OS X.
Yeah, getting involved with tribal BS, how annoying.

Let's regroup, OS X brigade!
So why bring it up in your reply to Bes?

Gimme a break. Textbook FUD to casually throw those terms in without explanation.

Because he rolled out tired diatribe out about how a £1000 pound PC can do the same as a dedicated Workstation. You will also notice that I compared his generic £1000 PC to Workstations from Dell, HP and Apple all running Workstation class operating systems.

I also expressed and opinion that I'd do (as I do) all my serious work on a Mac rather than rely on Windows. I even paid a passing complement to Vista in its current form (far better than it was!) but I guess you missed that!

So in order to avoid FUD I have to detail the difference in areas such as Memory Management between OS X and Windows or explain the advantages of technologies such as Core Image and so on over the Windows equivalent if it exists? Or discuss the security differences between the two systems? No I don't as all I did was express my opinion on how I'd use OS X over Windows.

Nothing to do with any tribal clap trap nor fanboism nor FUD just the way it is - some people prefer one way of doing things and others prefer other ways.
Because he rolled out tired diatribe out about how a £1000 pound PC can do the same as a dedicated Workstation. You will also notice that I compared his generic £1000 PC to Workstations from Dell, HP and Apple all running Workstation class operating systems.

I also expressed and opinion that I'd do (as I do) all my serious work on a Mac rather than rely on Windows. I even paid a passing complement to Vista in its current form (far better than it was!) but I guess you missed that!
Do you use a Mac workstation for this serious work at home? Because if not, and given that people can and do use Windows for serious work (as you say), I can't see why you take issue with Bes's suggestion of a £1000 build being a perfectly solid machine.

some people prefer one way of doing things and others prefer other ways.
Obviously. The only reason I questioned you is because you later got ****y and called philjohn a troll (my, he used the word ridiculous!!) when he took you up on your insinuation that Windows wasn't suitable for work that is to be relied on, which was perfectly reasonable, seeing as you gave zero explanation.
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Surely having a fully functional Mac Pro is worth the hassle of messing around with a few external caddies.

I've had that once before, it really isn't :p

Plus timemachine would become unusable again, its not worth the hassle.

If they upgrade me I swap the processor tray with the current one, get the new CPUs but keep the machine ID, keeping everything happy!

They have until 1st June, then I will kick up a (polite) fuss.

But it is starting to irritate me, I could have built a quicker, cheaper hackintosh and very possibly have the same issue :rolleyes: or none at all!
I can't see why you take issue with Bes's suggestion of a £1000 build being a perfectly solid machine.

It's simple: A thousand pound machine either off the peg or homebrew machine is not equal to a Workstation class machine. However in a forum mostly dedicated to people doing self builds you are bound to get people confusing the two.

The Mac Pro is a workstation class machine and thus that I why i questioned the standard response of "Oh a generic £1000 PC could do the same. Why not save some money?"

But I guess we are always going to be opposite sides of the coin on this debate. Oh and the comment from philjohn shows all signs of a bait post as he comes into the thread posting a comment that is bound to draw somebody in (happens to be me) and then departs.

Oh well.
Sorry, but this thread is full of fail.

I've been there.. got the Mac Pro t-shirt. I paid a lot and thankfully it worked flawlessly.

If it was in any way flawed it would get sent back, regardless of the hassle it cost in the process and I wouldn't accept a repair! Why should you.. if you're paying that much money for anything, be it a computer a car a watch.. it should work out of the box.

The fact that they're offering to repair it would annoy me, however, I wouldn't be happy to just "leave it sit aside" for a few months when you have legal avenues to explore regarding a refund.

This isn't a personal attack, honestly, but more to the point I'd happily sacrifice 5 days of my time for something that's easily worth £2000+

Push them.. they'll cave with enough pressure, and you can enjoy the machine as it should be enjoyed (hassle free) :)

Should have bought a Dell tbh ;)

There's always one :rolleyes: ;)
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