We did a test run yesterday down the garden. No internet, just bridged two laptops. Distance, 600m. Width, 40Mhz. Alignment was rough, it's hard to like up one round disk the size of your hand with another at 600m.
First internal test shows bandwidth of 170mbit each way with a averages ping of 1ms. Noise level was at -60db. We then connected two laptops and transfered an 8gb file both ways, both times reaching 350mbit, with 140mbit during simultaneous up/down transfers.
I think once we get things set up properly and spend some serious time on the allignment, we will be able to get slightly better speeds, though obviously for 150mbit VM, current speeds are fine.
Could anyone explain the noise factor to me. I can't wrap my head round it lol. Is -60db ok?