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5800x3D upgrade

The way prices are going atm I am SO tempted to upgrade my 5600x to one of these, seems to still be absolute gems of a CPU.

My only concern is that £200 is a big outlay for me so I worry I will see enough of a boost.

It does however seems like the best bang per buck route if I want to upgrade as moving the 7000 series os CPU/ram/mobo and a £600+ bill :(

I am sure you would be able to sell the 5600x to cover some of the cost ?
The way prices are going atm I am SO tempted to upgrade my 5600x to one of these, seems to still be absolute gems of a CPU.

My only concern is that £200 is a big outlay for me so I worry I will see enough of a boost.

It does however seems like the best bang per buck route if I want to upgrade as moving the 7000 series os CPU/ram/mobo and a £600+ bill :(
The 5800X3D is almost going for the same price now as a 7800X3D which also comes with the avatar and given that the costs of a basic AM5 board and 32gb DDR5 is around £150 the costs are really not much different once you sold all your AM4 kit.
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The 5800X3D is almost going for the same price now as a 7800X3D which also comes with the avatar and given that the costs of a basic AM5 board and 32gb DDR5 is around £150 the costs are really not much different once you sold all your AM4 kit.
is it! i thought there was a huge gap!

and off i go down that rabbit hole......:D
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Have installed the new 5800x3D this morning and tried FS2020. Disappointing, am getting horrendous fps - around 14fps. Tried everything but no luck. This is running with my RTX 2700 Super at 1440p with 32GB ram. On my old 3700x, was getting around 35fps

It's performing well now after reinstalling the Nvidia drivers :)
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I did the upgrade on my AM4 x370
Just to be sure i have the last and best cpu on am4

I think it's too expensive, not sure if it is worth it
Because 7800x3d just cost a little more
And 7600 is less expensive and is better in gaming

But its satisfying to think just that you have the best. Finish with this socket. Like an achievement.

I made 1700x -> 3700x->5700x->5800x3d on the same motherboard
AM4 is a legendary socket

No i wait to see if i can skip AM5 and go directly from AM4 to AM6. time will tell
This is great to hear that its working well on an X370, I have a Taichi and absolutely love the boards design and its an absolute cracker performance wise still too

I am in the same boat with thinking that I just want to keep the current rig going and the 3D still feels the sensible route.

My AM4 pathway has been 1600x, 2700, 3600, 5600x so feels "right" to get that achievement you mention :D
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apologies if already been covered and I have missed it, but only thing i can think that might be causing drops like that is thermal throttling.

Assuming you have a decent cooling setup on the CPU and its behaving temps wise?
Think you have a point here. Got the AMD own Prism cooler and temps running into 80s when starting Fs2020 then game freezes
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Think you have a point here. Got the AMD own Prism cooler and temps running into 80s when starting Fs2020 then game freezes
Yeah the Prism is good up to a point sadly but i found at higher temps it got overwhelmed quickly

You might need something with a bit more heft to ensure the 3D is staying within sensible temps.

Not sure what size case you have but the Thermaltake Peerless Assassin 120 SE RGB gets some good write ups and its VERY competitively priced at present
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Have installed the new 5800x3D this morning and tried FS2020. Disappointing, am getting horrendous fps - around 14fps. Tried everything but no luck. This is running with my RTX 2700 Super at 1440p with 32GB ram. On my old 3700x, was getting around 35fps

It's performing well now after reinstalling the Nvidia drivers :)
Spoke too soon... still the same

Make sure to reinstall the AMD drivers as well.

Do an uninstall first and then install fresh.
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would a 5800x3d give double the performance over a 3900x ? tempted to change, but wondering if the boost would be worth it, also looking at maybe more ram, currently 16gb and a graphics card change from a 2080 super
would a 5800x3d give double the performance over a 3900x ? tempted to change, but wondering if the boost would be worth it, also looking at maybe more ram, currently 16gb and a graphics card change from a 2080 super
That's too specific a question.

In specific games, or specific applications? With that GPU or a different one?
Double the 'performance'? Unlikely.
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would a 5800x3d give double the performance over a 3900x ? tempted to change, but wondering if the boost would be worth it, also looking at maybe more ram, currently 16gb and a graphics card change from a 2080 super
You'd be as well just sell what you have and go for a 7800X3D, given you're thinking of changing basically everything else. :D
Have installed the new 5800x3D this morning and tried FS2020. Disappointing, am getting horrendous fps - around 14fps. Tried everything but no luck. This is running with my RTX 2700 Super at 1440p with 32GB ram. On my old 3700x, was getting around 35fps

It's performing well now after reinstalling the Nvidia drivers :)

Thermal throttling? Check your cooler is properly seated. Have you done a mobo BIOS update ok yeah?
Thermal throttling? Check your cooler is properly seated. Have you done a mobo BIOS update ok yeah?
Have latest BIOS installed and cooler is seated properly too. Just weird as other games works fine.. just FS2020 playing up. most times just freezes while loading from an selected airport. Deleted scenery cache and switched off rolling cache but problems still exists
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