Hmm so. Little dissapointed so far, thought id get away with smoother fps less dips but nope. Still some in mafia rm, x4 still weird tho its probs cpu, rdr2 seemed ok but when i did the bench test it had lag drawing things in new scenes like missing textures, after 3-4 seconds it loaded in but dont think i experienced that on the other card. Wanted to try gta sa with ris on since these can do dx9 ris where as vega couldnt, but it just blank screens if i turn ris on when i launch it then goes to desktop so cant use that grr. Thought that might have made a big diff to the sharpness of textures but oh well.
I know i know, need better cpu, shame games ran fine on em before on say a 670 gpu then got better gpu the vega and more micro stutter or something then on this card a bit more. Sign, well. Im just gona have to think of it as investment and when i do get around to getting a 3600 cpu or intel equiv things will be better. I dont get mafia rm tho, i have freesync, fps were 60-70 but tearing, had to put vsync on to stop it. I hate having to do that when freesync should prevent tearing at fs frequencies.
Wonder if theres any demos of modern games i can try that has a benchmark in maybe or to test on modern games in general, i guess i can dl that tomb raider game demo again and run that, i dunno if 3d mark is free anymore so cant do those. That valley one is too old anyone can run it smoothly maxed these days.