I had forgotten to sort out the rear intake! Measuring it up...:
Marked with pencil:
Marked with disc:

Smoothed a bit:
Fan is happy, I am happy:
More internal carbon:
May as well face my fear and do the rear section:
It came out ok:
Finally time to do the top:
After some heat-gun treatment:
Cutting it all out, looks convincing in person that its composite

Happy with the corners, some aren't perfect where the vinyl 'pinched' but overall they are better for being seamless I feel:
so far:
had to file down the GT's to get the bleeding rad screw through, so 12 times in all, but did it in under 15 mins:
Installing backlighting:
All for now, I've since cut out the PCI slots so that they are not totally covered in vinyl, in essence the case should now be ready for components and watercooling.
Long day tomorrow so no progress i'm afraid