Been at work 12.5 hrs but I love you guys so here is the backlighting tested with mobo in situ. pretty pleased with it

Hard to get a decent photo as my camera is no good in low light (TZ7!)
I'm now thinking of hooking it up to my unused custom RGB controller PCB to slowly fade the white from low to high intensity, sorta like a 'machine spirit' for 40k fans hehe, it will be like the heart of an otherwise static system. We'll see...
Glad people are liking my project and following it!
Vinyl is purely aesthetic.
looks blue but its pure white:
PS: Not sure why my photos are coming out bigger, I am resizing them to the exact same dimensions as before... strange maybe it's the image host? using tinypic, it's a PITA but works at least...
PSS: I think I was just tired and forgot to resize them the other night, they should be ok on most people's monitors though this day and age, might resize them later