700D carbon fibre build: Blackbox II

cheers reflux:) i'll see what I can do re MDPC
after it's up and running i'll have many small refinements to do...and yes first real mod, tho I did cut out the stock fan guard mesh on the tsunami while it was running, that was a hardcore moment

I put the top grill on and with the GT's underneath it looks very mean indeed:D

Thanks Mr May, glad you think so, that was my aim!
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Life has been slowing me down:(

I have more pics to upload of moderate progress.
The case is pretty much ready now as far as aesthetics go for installing components. I'm just going to line the edge of the bottom 140mm intake area with vinyl to neaten it up a bit.

However I think i've now finally worked out the tubing route and pump placement in the case.

Need to order some white sleeving later to well, sleeve things lol

Got paid so am thinking I should order the aquaero system now so I can install it from the off:) Black fascia, white LCD text:cool: Thoughts?;)
Block n' barbs:

My pump bracket:

DDC 18W and xspc pump top:

XSPC pump top:

DDC Apart:

Scrubbed up bracket and pump top marriage:

Double sided foam tape for mounting the pump, lost my much thicker roll which would have been good for vibration isolation, oh well:

Sealing foam strip on the radiator:

Sealing the case:

Fan, shroud, radiator sandwich:

Fans wired up:

Hello, yes we will be working together pleased to meet you:

Why not hide some tubing in this trench?:

The business end, industrial I think:

Adding stuff:

And then....:



Leak testing, didn't get any:):

Ok I want to say thanks to MNPCTECH in the US for promptly shipping me some screws for my build as well as a cool bottle opener!




So the loop is still running, the pump is a bit louder than I envisaged but he might settle down a bit later.

Really happy with how it is looking so far, now it's time for small refinements and sorting the lighting. Will be covering both the PSU and optical drive in vinyl to stealth them a bit. I will actually be stealthing the optical drive too:)

Need to cover back panel in vinyl as well as make a side window.

Probably going to order aquaero this week and get it installed to control the fans and pump. The fans make a terrific draft even through the rad, amazing. Seems overkill on 100% and too much of a woosh noise.

Oh and actually getting my PC up and working again:D

I'm uploading a video of the filling process onto youtube for you all to see, bout 30mins left even on a virgin 50meg line! that's 720 content for you...
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That looks fff.....antastic!!!

Where's the 'darkness' shot with it running those gorgeous backlights as well as the loop etc... come on - we need more pics!!!
This makes me hard, awesome build mate!

+1 on the night shots, can't wait to see it with those finishing touches.
cheers guys,
I just fired her up and all components are working still:D

Gpu idling 26 degrees or so, used to be 50.
CPU 28 degrees, used to be 38

Gonna play a game of star craft see what happens
Quite surprised the GPU is cooler than the CPU, especially with the water traveling through the CPU block to the GPU block, although it could well just be due to inaccuracy of the sensors...
with case side on after settling GPU idle is 30 degrees it seems, furmark maxed about 38 degrees:D I keep waiting to hear a cooling fan spool up and almost panick that it doesnt:) CPU maxed about 45 i think, will have to double check.

so much air flowing through the system, its like its breathing! whoosh of air, not silent but quietly powerful sounding i would say.

I really want to make a side panel and install some uv cathodes to make my tubing shine!

Edit: I am considering making the side window so as to only show from the lower division upwards. There is a guy on youtube who has done this and it doesn't look as odd as I thought. Looks cleaner in fact for not showing the PSU bundle.

What you guys think?
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Please forgive my ignorance beause personally I've never custom watercooled a PC before but surely even though the shape of the fitting tries to prevent this there should be clamps round the end of each tube to stop them from coming off?
Edit: I am considering making the side window so as to only show from the lower division upwards. There is a guy on youtube who has done this and it doesn't look as odd as I thought. Looks cleaner in fact for not showing the PSU bundle.

What you guys think?

That's what i'm also considering as the default side panel is the only thing putting me off buying the 800d. As i'm not fussed on the hot-swappable bays and i dont like the default window. I'm considering getting the 700d and just getting a custom cut same design as the 800d but to hide the PSU chamber and i dont like the idea of it showing the PSU / anything you got hidden down there:D

I think you should go for it mate, It'll look excellent with your already lovely looking case ;)
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