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7970/50 Arctic Accelero Users

Sleeping dogs core 60c memory 86c.

The core is solid, 60c is the worst ill see on that.

Gonna install a silent case fan Spectre Pro to blow additional air onto the vrms to see if it can bring temps down 5c or so.
I think i need to change my fans around. Before i had Intake at the front and on top of my 600t (200mm fans x2) and all hot air was exhausted round the back. Worked really well with the reference blower. That's not cutting it so much any more now the accelero dumps all the heat in the case.
Thanks Greg.

Annnnnnnnnnd it works. Thank god!

Was a real pain in the ass though, wasn't helped by the fact i had almost no adhesive on the washers. Such a frustrating experience.

Then screwing it all together at the end was equally annoying, needed seven pairs of hands.

On to temps. Played far cry 3 as that used to get my overclock of 1125/1719 up to the 80c range on both the core and memory with a fan speed of 50%.

GPU went up to 59c at 100% fan speed which was almost silent. Kinda like a quiet case fan. Memory was at 80c.

Pretty good i think. Wish the memory was a bit lower, but farcry 3 does heat up the gpu more than most games once you used that compute HDAO.

Now for sleeping dogs, that heats it up even more.


Nice one. Glad to hear it works.
Changed my fans around, think this will bring the temps down.

Added two 120mm fans at the bottom of my case blowing up. Will see what difference it makes, they are silent Spectre Pro fans so noise wont be an issue. Have a feeling i wont need them though.
I did the Arctic Accelero II on my 7850 a few months ago. I used the tape too and it brought temps down from 75c to 42c on load. As long as the heatsinks are all clean and clean the chips the tape will never fall off.

Arctic Accelero II is a great aftermarket cooler. worth the money

Once I reach a 1000 posts I'm gonna sell my XFX 7850 w/ Arctic Accelero here. It's a great card, but I've joined the darkside.....Nvidia:D I guess I could keep it as a back up, but my EVGA GTX 680 runs like a dream:)
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Ok i took the two 120mm fans out as believe it or not they actually made temps worse. Guess it was interfering with the natural air flow or something.

Now i have 1x200mm on the front as intake. 1x200mm on the roof as an exhaust. Accelero and a H60 with a Push Pull as exhaust.

7970 @ 1.112 (stock voltage ) 1.6 Memory voltage (stock)
1125 Core
1719 Memory

Sleeping dogs, which is the game i have that heats my gpu up the most by some distance compared to my other games, even far cry.

GPU core 55c
Memory 80c.

I think ill call that a good game. :)

I will see 5-c lower in memory on farcry and 10c+ lower in other games id imagine. SSAA and HDAO heat the 7970 memory up nicely.


Oh forgot to add as i was putting the final part together, attaching the base to the gpu i knocked one of the heatsinks off. I stuck it back on and it stuck firmly enough to stay on. Its easily done tbh.
Mine runs at %50 constant. I cannot hear it and it remains under 65.c in any game.

They are superb coolers.

Its silent up to 60%, and even after then i can barely hear it. At 100% its like a quiet case fan running at full speed. I'm impressed.

Black ops 2 zombie mode vsync off

GPU 52c
Vram 65c
Its silent up to 60%, and even after then i can barely hear it. At 100% its like a quiet case fan running at full speed. I'm impressed.

Black ops 2 zombie mode vsync off

GPU 52c
Vram 65c


Nice one Matt and good difference from the reference cooler. I bet the noise is heaven :)
I'm pleased you're happy with my recommendation, I know you weren't sure at first but the results speak for themselves. You can now bask in your new found skills and the lovely silence you have. :)
Good stuff Matt. How bout dem VRMs?

Vrm cooling is definitely the weak point of the cooler.

My reference vrm cooling was better.

But this has superior core cooling.

I'm still experimenting whats best tbh.

There is no way i can take the card apart without starting again from scratch, at the moment im reluctant to do that as i have no adhesive for the washers or the heatsinks.

Maybe better heatsinks on the VRM's will help.

For now ive added two 120mm Spectre Pro fans as exhaust on the side of my 600t. This has brought the vrms down a bit.

If i run at stock volts 1.112, then the vrms don't go above 80. That's worst case scenario as well (sleeping dogs, SSAA) with the memory at 1719 stock volts. However any bump in core voltage seems to affect the VRM temps, whilst the core remains the same regardless.

I saw your post Petey about the extra fans you put around yours. Its a good idea, not sure how id get my fans in place like that though.

I'm very happy with it, but im not totally satisfied with the vrm cooling at overclocked volts on the core.

I'd like to keep it below 85c if possible.

Whacked the voltage up to 1.225, core at 1250. Stable as a rock, core nice and cool. VRM 100c, i backed out there. Core was around 58c.

With the two fans ive now added i expect that will come down a bit, but not enough for my liking.
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Slightly off topic, but it's so nice to see a thread reach page 4 with nothing but positive, helpful, friendly posts and the kind of spirit that makes this a great forum.

Back on topic, well done on getting the cooler on and in getting such great temperatures. Nicely played, sir.
Slightly off topic, but it's so nice to see a thread reach page 4 with nothing but positive, helpful, friendly posts and the kind of spirit that makes this a great forum.

Back on topic, well done on getting the cooler on and in getting such great temperatures. Nicely played, sir.

Thanks Stuey.

I knew some guys here would be able to help.

Once i realised that this was an awkward install i knew id need some help. :p
Vrm cooling is definitely the weak point of the cooler.

My reference vrm cooling was better.

But this has superior core cooling.

I'm still experimenting whats best tbh.

There is no way i can take the card apart without starting again from scratch, at the moment im reluctant to do that as i have no adhesive for the washers or the heatsinks.

Maybe better heatsinks on the VRM's will help.

For now ive added two 120mm Spectre Pro fans as exhaust on the side of my 600t. This has brought the vrms down a bit.

If i run at stock volts 1.112, then the vrms don't go above 80. That's worst case scenario as well (sleeping dogs, SSAA) with the memory at 1719 stock volts. However any bump in core voltage seems to affect the VRM temps, whilst the core remains the same regardless.

I saw your post Petey about the extra fans you put around yours. Its a good idea, not sure how id get my fans in place like that though.

I'm very happy with it, but im not totally satisfied with the vrm cooling at overclocked volts on the core.

I'd like to keep it below 85c if possible.

Whacked the voltage up to 1.225, core at 1250. Stable as a rock, core nice and cool. VRM 100c, i backed out there. Core was around 58c.

With the two fans ive now added i expect that will come down a bit, but not enough for my liking.

It'd be a pita to do what I did using an Accelero mate :)
There's less of a gap between the card and cooler which makes me wonder if the side exhaust thing would be as effective when using the PCI fan bracket. May not be an issue though.

If you did go that way, I'd suggest using 80-92mm side fans and making a simple shroud to prevent the side fans from sucking air away from the accelero fans.
Also, the fins on the Arctic VRM heatsinks are 90° the 'wrong' way round to really capitalize on air being sucked out of the side if you see what I mean?
With either of these heatsinks, the air is 'naturally' channelled to the side.
The big one won't one fit under an Accelero without a dremel session, but the slim ones will and aren't far off the big one's performance.
On the plus side, the slim ones can be attached with thermal tape.



Whether you think it's worth the hassle to find out how much difference it makes is down to you:)
Tommybhoy may have some useful input.

Have you tried the side fans as intake? I got poor results and found exhaust much more effective, but that was with the bracket and having the fans right up against the card. Case mounted fans may provide different results as they get more involved in general case airflow.

If that all sounds like too much hassle, then don't worry about it and enjoy your card.
I only had to deal with a few thumbscrews (and TIM re-application if I could be bothered) every time I wanted to test something. Sounds like you'd have to do a lot more :)
Yeah i tried the side fans as intake in the lower position, intake in the higher position. Exhaust in the lower position, then finally Exhaust in the higher position which gave the best results.

The 600t case can fit four fans on the side of 200mm. Wish it would fit 1x200mm tbh. However i only want 2x120mm on the side for now.

I saw very little difference in temps except for the Exhuast in the higher positon which knocked around 3-5c off.

However now looking at my case, the 600t just isn't the same without the see through side panel on. :D

Quite tempted to ditch the side fans, put up with higher vrm temps until i can get some better heatsinks.
The VRM's are rated to 125.c so you still are well within limits.

I have no idea what mine are as I cannot read them but tbh I'm not that bothered. If they overheat the card will shut down and I have not had that yet so all must be within tolerances.

I would not worry about the VRM's too much tbh and enjoy a nice silent card.
Some cards play differently like I said :)
If your VRM's are at 90°C odd and you're not seeing any ill effects, then be happy.
Some cards will throw a complete wobbly with artifacts and glitches galore.
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