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7970/50 Arctic Accelero Users


Farcry 3. 1920x1200, Settings on ultra, but AA or AF turned down? Can't remember which one. Impossible to max out that game IMO.

1150 core @ 1174 vcore
1575 ram @ stock voltage.

Temps have risen by 4-5c just by upping the core voltage this afternoon!

We're looking pretty similar right now. Had to bump voltage from 1.112 to 1.125 to get 1150 core stable.

I notice that your gpu fan speed records correctly, mine always show 6000rpm for some reason. I use a custom curve in afterburner, maybe thats why.

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According to that this new glue has worse W/mk than the Arctic G1 glue. :confused: Mind you ive no idea what W/mk is but still thats lower than the G1 specs. :D I was going to twist but maybe the smart money is now on sticking.
My GPU fan speed hasn't shown correctly/consistently since fitting the Accelero - I assumed it was just one of those things. Watching it in any monitoring software it just seems to pick random numbers and cycle through them. If you check my screenshot on the previous page out, you'll see the fans apparently run between 593RPM and 752,089RPM. It is the same with Afterburner controlling the fans and not. It is just another thing I've filed under "seems to work perfectly, don't worry about it". :D


Just imagine the cooling properties of that speed, it really would deserve the Arctic name. Actually its a shame the fans don't go a bit faster, would really help out the vrm cooling and i doubt it would be much louder if they went an extra 500rpm faster or so.
All the weight is yanking on that GPU though. It's not like the end (where the power connectors is) actually supports the pcb.

That's one of my annoyances with this cooler!

I hear you.

If you didn't do it already you can remove some of the sagging by unscrewing the screws that hold it in your case and pushing the fans/cooler towards the pcb, hold firmly now screw it back into the case. I appreciate you can still see the sag in the picture, but before i did this it was even worse!! :D

You can position your two psu power connects so they support the card as well, either put them in front or behind. I actually found putting them in front of the card allowed me a few c cooler temps.


Just played farcry for an hour at 1172 core 1563 mem @1.137 volts (stock 1.112) and temps have defintely come down a few c. Having lots of space around the accelero as well as moving a lot of air around it seems to help.

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does anyone know when this might be in stock please?

Total : (includes shipping : ).

Ask 5UB in the customer services section. They just recently went out of stock so you could be in for a long wait. If you can't wait you can probably order one direct from the Arctic Cooling website. However i believe they ship Accelero's with the permanent adhesive as standard now.
I don't know how your temps compare to Moog's with the same card, but 72c is a perfectly acceptable temp for a 7950. As long as you keep it below 80c you're fine. Officially below 90c is fine as long as you're not overclocking.
Matt, have you tried testing the adhesive on something else? Maybe stick a spare heatsink to an old tin or something and see what happens when you try to remove it.

I did that with the Alpenfohn glue as I had similar concerns about it being permanent.
Turned out it was fine.

I tried the Thermal Adhesive they sent me, i stuck one of the heatsinks to a metal tin. In my opinion its nothing but Glue. I do not believe for one second that it has any thermal conductivity at all, especially after danielle said this.


I believe it will glue the heatsinks nicely to the card, but its just glue. Nothing more nothing less, as a result i believe a properly applied G1 will provide better temps. I will wait till they bring out their new version of G1 before i go for a third (and hopefully final) refit.
I hereby declare never to fiddle again in public, er i mean never with my accelero... Until they bring out the new version of G1, then its open season on fiddling and i can fiddle till my hearts content, or i end up in the slammer. The one thing that eats away at me is the fact i have that 1 heatsink the wrong way round, the fat one on the CHL8228 voltage controller. :D
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Just glue eh?... Might as well try the Alpenfohn stuff and get some better heatsinks into the bargain :D
I really should've made a little video to debunk the 'It's permanent!' rumours...

Here's what mine looked like after I'd removed it. Yeah, cleaning rubber-like stuff out of those little channels requires patience (especially if you're like me and do it without the aid of isopropyl achohol or something...), but you're not going to break anything when/if you need to remove the heatsink(s) :)

I understand the fiddling need (not in a Japanese commuter kinda way :p). Once you stick an aftermarket cooler on your card, you get an urge to maximize the results even if the ones you already have are perfectly fine.
Half of us wouldn't be on here if we didn't enjoy buggering about with our machines after all ;)

Its tempting Petey i have to admit. If you ever do make that video ill watch with interest. (and possibly some popcorn depending on the length - thats what she said)

Looks like you did a good job of cleaning it all off. I normally use nail polish remover (don't worry, its not mine, honest) and cotton pads to clean cpu/gpu parts.

For now im going to leave it as it is, especially as i have no more G1. (if anyone finds some hit me up - just one more hit man, thats all i need, one more hit of that g1 goodness) I'm interested to see what the new G1 is going to be like, i guess that won't be ready for a few months though.
Nothing to lose, apart from £11.99 :D
Grab some, do the tin test and see what you think. At worst, you'll have a nice set of heatsinks to use when you eventually get the new G1.
I get the impression that the Accelero is a bit of a pain to keep taking on and off though...

Yeah i probably will Petey thanks when the new G1 comes out, the AC heatsinks are kinda weak in every sense.
Yeah its not that much of a hassle if you don't have to reseat the heatsinks. I actually enjoyed it the second time around as i had a much better understanding of what to do. Just wish i could swap two of the heatsinks round though! :D
Ah you've got me thinking now, just as i was about to pull out of the game forever. On the two yellow circles i have the smallest heatsink (see picture below, the heatsink at the end), however im thinking if i replace those small ones with the taller larger ones in the picture below that will help lower vrm temps even further. On the arrow i have one of the fat VRAM heatsinks, i need to rotate that 90 degrees as well so its facing to the side and will benefit from more air from my front 200.

All i need is the G1 gold dust. :D


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Petey they do look like a nice snug fit i must say and the heatsinks look like they have a lot more meat on them. I'm almost convinced.

Your theory is interesting and could explain why i was recently able to get into the top 10 in both the 3dmark leader board and the Unigine Heaven leader board. My 7970 suddenly became a better clocker.
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