That is annoying Matt
On another note, got home for lunch. Booted up pc.. locks up with black screen. Won't boot.
So I removed the card and took the cooler off. A couple of the heatsinks were too close to some electrical parts at the top left of the card. So I gently moved them across slightly.
Starting to regret fitting the cooler now!! I've just played ten minutes of FarCry 3 without issue. But only time will tell if I've fluffed this install.
I know Taken, i bet they will deny it now as well. I've sent them the link to that thread incase Daniel tries to deny it. I'm going to badger them and hope they pull their finger out. Gits!
What were your temps like? If you have sleeping dogs id advise on having a good long go on that.
If the card works now then im sure you'll be ok, but moving those heatsinks will probaly cost you at least a few c. If it was the GDDR heatsinks, or the heatsinks on the left of the card, i wouldn't worry too much.